In3 - Black lyrics


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In3 - Black lyrics

(All translated by Maria Xu. Copyright belongs to In3) 黑 只是一种颜色吗 Black Is it only a color? 你能看见吗 你能感觉到吗 Can you see it? Can you feel it? 如果你不能 那么就闭上双眼吧 If you can't. Close your eyes 当我看见 未来变成了黑色 于是我问自己应该如何去选择 When I see the future turns into black, I ask myself what should I choose 对错善恶 不能把握的悲伤与快乐 欲望诱惑着我 Right or wrong Good or evil Sorrow and Happiness that could not be controlled. Desire allures me 黑色的夜 给我黑色的眼睛看着这个世界 不能相信的表面 Black night Give me black eyes to watch this world Decisive cover 背叛与欺骗 女人与金钱 无数的交易藏着看不见的黑幕 Betrayal and deception Women and money Countless businesses have black conspiracies 在社会中 一直不停的重复 我愤怒的想退出 Repeated in the society I want to quit in anger 根本不在乎 那些法律的保护 在我心里只有道德在约束着我的路 Do not care about Protection of the law In my heart I am only ruled by the morality 黑色是我的思想和态度 上帝在帮助 Black is my thought and attitude God is helping 脱离贫穷跟痛苦 只留下对黑色的尊重 一直等待着这个黑夜的结束 To get rid of poverty and pain Only left the regard to black Always waiting for the end of this black night 近朱者赤 近墨者黑 面对着社会是进是退 One who stays near vermilion gets stained red One who stays near ink gets stained black In this society should go forward or step backward 在压力的面前只有强者能面对 抱怨再多也根本伤害不了社会 Only powerhouse could deal with the pressure Complaints are not strong enough to beat the society 当你闭上双眼才看清我的颜色 黑暗使人的性格变的堕落 Only when you close your eyes could see my color Blackness degrades people's personalities 机会只有一次 我们必须把握 There is only one chance We have to hold it 因为最后一线光明不会在你面前闪过 Because the last brightness would not flash pa**ing you 一个人的力量有限 各色的谎言 都是对我的训练 欺骗 是对我忍耐力的考验 One man's power is limited All kinds of lies try me out Deception is a test of my tolerance 只有真正的说唱精神永远不会改变 Only the true spirit of Hip Hop would never change 就好象说话的时候我喜欢看着你的眼睛 黑色的眼睛给我黑色的力量 It is like I like to look into your eyes when I talk to you Black eyes give me black power 政治压力再大 不代表我会害怕 Even though facing the political pressure Does not mean I am afraid 当你撑不住的时候我们不会倒下 Even when you break down We would not fall down 黑 是我的角色 认真的选择 平凡的生活有着太多无奈的苦涩 Black is my role Serious choice Ordinary life has too much bitterness without any alternative 接受不了的折磨 是重复的生活 Unbearable pain Is repeated life 至于压力 挫折 我有我的对策 As for pressure and frustration I have my own resolution 实力也许悬殊 保持住风度 隐藏自己的愤怒并把痛苦给记住 Perhaps there is no comparability between the strength Keep the gentleness Conceal my anger and remember the pain 现实社会没有人会因为无辜给予帮助 In the real world, no one would offer help only because you are innocent 一切都是过渡 但会有人为此付出 All are transition But some one would pay for it 黑色的眼睛不再表达真实 每个人的行为都在有所掩饰 Black eyes are no longer telling the truth Everyone is hiding and pretending 可以原谅无知 但请别讲故事 没完没了的欺骗我会渐渐失去控制 Could forgive ignorance But do not tell stories I would lose control in endless lies 内心的阴影使得思想变的僵硬 命运并不公平 但我庆幸我清醒 Shadow in the heart stiffens thought Life is not fair But I am glad I am conscious 静座长思已过 闲谈莫论人非 黑色的态度来面对这个社会 Think about my own fault when I am alone Not talking about others' bad Dealing this society with black attitude