Tinkering the final tweaks Working over night for over 97 weeks Starved for rejection Compliments may as well be bullets in my direction This section is filled with faces telling me Just keep on keeping on, keep on keeping on With the devil on your shoulder that is easier said than done. As for me, I'm too proud to stand alone in line in this crowd As for what we could have been there's no applause allowed Learn to take a joke, or learn to take a punch Let's go on a stopping spree Starting with the way that you talk to me oh Hit me with your knowledge stick Just hit me with your knowledge stick Just beat me with your knowledge stick As for me, I'm too proud to stand alone in line in this crowd As for you, you're too proud to tell me what you're thinking out loud As for what we could have been there's no applause allowed And destiny unravels And boy does it ever baffle us This raffle stirs up quite a fuss oh oh oh Wish I could say that I know oh oh oh As for me, I'm too proud to stand alone in line in this crowd As for you, you're way too proud to mimic the enthusiasm Pa**ing off a damn good crowd As for what we could have been there's no applause allowed