(A) fragile ray of light goes right through me While I open my eyes Mother's face looks grave and gloomy As an old candlelight Withered morning-glory If only I could have picked your soul With this picture of you I remember your smile When you sang me this song « As the men are falling down and down We the children stand straight » We are no longer sons We are no longer daughters We rise above all And we stand above petty quarrels I still see my poor brothers lying on a pool of blood I can still hear the mothers-in-mourning weeping voices Refusing to be comforted because they are no more Who could give this vile order which out-Herods Herod? « As the men are falling down and down We the children stand straight » The end of all things as a legacy? We can't believe our voices ascend for nothing (We the children) We the sacrificed (all in this together) We the «no future» We will all get through this together We will all stand and face the consequences « As the men are falling down and down We the children stand straight » The end of all things as a legacy? We can't believe our voices ascend for nothing (We the children) We the sacrificed (all in this together) We the «no future» We will all get through this together We will all stand and face the consequences