How was dinner with Nasidienus, the blessed? Trying to get you as my guest yesterday I was told You'd been drinking there since lunch-time. ‘Yes, and had The time of my life.' Tell me, if it's no bother, What dish was first to a**uage your raging appetites? ‘The first was Lucanian wild-boar: caught, as the head Of the feast kept saying, when a soft southerly blew. Round it spiced turnips, lettuce, radishes, things that tease A jaded palate, with water-parsnips, pickled-fish, The lees of Coan wine. When they were cleared away A girded lad wiped the maple board with a bright cloth, While a second swept away whatever scraps remained Or whatever might offend the diners: then in came Dusky Hydaspes with the Caecuban wine, just like An Attic maiden carrying Ceres' sacred emblems, And Alcon with a Chian needing no added brine. Then said our host: “Maecenas, if Alban is more Pleasing to you, or Falernian, well, we have both.”' The miseries of riches! But Fundanius I'm eager to know who enjoyed the meal with you.