50 Cent has been hit with five new charges, according to an exclusive supplied by information from the Los Angeles City Attorney. The Queens, New York hip hop artist is said to have fled the scene when police were called to the Toluca Lake, California residence of a reported ex-girlfriend, said to be his son's mother on June 23 He and his ex were involved in an argument that grew violent. The G-Unit head is accused of breaking the woman's personal property, including a chandelier, a door, and a television. The rapper is said to have kicked the woman as well, after breaking through a door she locked herself behind He will be arraigned on July 22. He could face nearly $50,000 in fines, and up to five years of incarceration, if convicted. Since 1994, the rapper has been arrested several times, from charges ranging for drug possession with intent to distribute to driving violations. It has been nearly seven years since the onetime Interscope Records artist was arrested