Anthony: Hey Ashly, whatcha playing? Ashly: Ikarug'. Ant: So, how do you like it? Ash: It's alright, I guess. It's pretty hard. That's what she... Ant: Yeah, but that's not a bad thing. It's, y'know, it's an acquired, sort of... Ash: Yeah, yeah, yeah.... Ant: ...taste, it's, you have to practice, and get really good at it. And you feel like you've accomplished something, because... Ash: I am practicing, this is me practicing. Ant: ...there's only five levels, so it's... it's a training thing. Ash: I like the um, the polarity mechanic. Ant: Well that's what sets it apart from most shooters, as far as shmups go, the polarity... (gets sprayed with milk) PFFFT WHAAHH, ASHLY!! AAHHH. WHY? (Ashly is charging watergun) WHY DID YOU DO THAT? WHY? (Ashly continues charging) Euhh... f**... this is a new shirt! (Charging) You hit me with milk! (Charging) Jesus christ. (A closeup of the screen, as the ship's polarity changes.) (Anthony reemerges, putting on a new shirt.) Ant: I swear to god, Ashly, (he gets sprayed again) BWAAA!! God!! Like... is this chocolate milk? Ash: (In blackface and a black hoodie) Some of it. (Credits) (Blooper: Ash cracks up while charging the gun.)