Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? - Geometry Wars 2 lyrics


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Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? - Geometry Wars 2 lyrics

Anthony: Hey Ashly, whatcha playin'? Ashly: Geometry Wars 2. (Ashly plays Geometry Wars 2 one-handed while reading Watchmen.) AshlyPwnage: 4,251,230 plissken8747: 3,070,345 Grant: God damn it, Ashly. She beat my high score in Geometry Wars. Cristina: Oh, bummer. Let's go see D— Voice-over: Watchmen. Grant: Let me get my high score back first. Cristina: Why don't you put the game down? Let's go to bed. Grant: Just a second. I almost got her. (Time pa**es) Cristina: Let's go see D— V-O: Watchmen. Grant: Shut up! (Time pa**es) Grant: Yes! Finally, number one! Wooo-hooo! I'm sorry for telling you to shut up. Let's go just see D— V-O: Watchmen. Cristina: Really? Grant: Yeah, let's go. K, let's go. plissken8747: 6,833,585 AshlyPwnage: 4,251,230 (Ash wakes up, effortlessly plays the game, and nods back off.) Cristina: I am so excited about this movie. Grant: I know, I heard that— V-O: They cut out the squid. Cristina: What's... what's wrong? AshlyPwnage: 27,144,570 plissken8747 6,833,585 Grant: How... how did she do that.... Cristina: It doesn't matter, babe, let's go see Dark Knigh—. V-O Watchmen. Grant: "It doesn't matter"? Cristina: It's just a stupid high score. Grant: Stupid? Stupid?? Cristina: I mean, it's just kinda pointless. Grant: (Grabs her) Pointless?? I'll show you pointless!! (Hits her, tosses her) Grant: Damn high score.... (Unfastens his belt) Cristina: What happened to you? Grant: Ashly Burch! Ashly Burch happened to me!! (Whips her) (Ash wakes up, turns, and goes back to sleep) (Credits) (Cristina sulking, Ash comforts her) Ash: Why do we fall, Master Wayne? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up. V-O: And I'll look down and answer no.