Henry Thomas Riley - The Metamorphoses of Ovid, Book III (Fable. 3) lyrics


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Henry Thomas Riley - The Metamorphoses of Ovid, Book III (Fable. 3) lyrics

Actæon, the grandson of Cadmus, fatigued with hunting and excessive heat, inadvertently wanders to the cool valley of Gargaphie, the usual retreat of Diana, when tired with the same exercise. There, to his misfortune, he surprises the Goddess and her Nymphs while bathing, for which she transforms him into a stag, and his own hounds tear him to pieces. And now Thebes was standing; now Cadmus, thou mightst seem happy in thy exile. Both Mars and Venus14 had become thy father-in-law and mother-in-law; add to this, issue by a wife so illustrious, so many sons15 and daughters, and grandchildren, dear pledges of love; these, too, now of a youthful age. But, forsooth, the last day of life must always be awaited by man, and no one ought to be pronounced happy before his d**h,16 and his last obsequies. Thy grandson, Cadmus, was the first occasion of sorrow to thee, among so much prosperity, the horns, too, not his own, placed upon his forehead, and you, O dogs, glutted with the blood of your master. But, if you diligently inquire into his case, you will find the fault of an accident, and not criminality in him; for what criminality did mistake embrace? There was a mountain stained with the blood of various wild beasts; and now the day had contracted the meridian shadow of things, and the sun was equally distant from each extremity of the heavens; when the Hyantian youth17 thus addressed the partakers of his toils, as they wandered along the lonely haunts of the wild beasts, with gentle accent: “Our nets are moistened, my friends, and our spears, too, with the blood of wild beasts; and the day has yielded sufficient sport; when the next morn, borne upon her rosy chariot, shall bring back the light, let us seek again our proposed task. Now Phœbus is at the same distance from both lands, the Eastern and the Western, and is cleaving the fields with his heat. Cease your present toils, and take away the knotted nets.” The men execute his orders, and cease their labors. There was a valley, thick set with pitch-trees and the sharp-pointed cypress; by name Gargaphie,18 sacred to the active Diana. In the extreme recess of this, there was a grotto in a grove, formed by no art; nature, by her ingenuity, had counterfeited art; for she had formed a natural arch, in the native pumice and the light sand-stones. A limpid fountain ran murmuring on the right hand with its little stream, having its spreading channels edged with a border of gra**. Here, when wearied with hunting, the Goddess of the woods was won't to bathe her virgin limbs in clear water. After she had entered there, she handed to one of the Nymphs, her armor-bearer, her javelin, her quiver, and her unstrung bow. Another Nymph put her arms under her mantle, when taken off: two removed the sandals from her feet. But Crocale,19 the daughter of Ismenus, more sk**ed than they, gathered her hair, which lay scattered over her neck, into a knot, although she herself was with her hair loose. Nephele,20 and Hyale,21 and Rhanis,22 fetch water, Psecas23 and Phyale24 do the same, and pour it from their large urns. And while the Titanian Goddess was there bathing in the wonted stream, behold! the grandson of Cadmus, having deferred the remainder of his sport till next day, came into the grove, wandering through the unknown wood, with uncertain steps; thus did his fate direct him. Soon as he entered the grotto, dropping with its springs, the Nymphs, naked as they were, on seeing a man, smote their breasts, and filled all the woods with sudden shrieks, and gathering round Diana, covered her with their bodies. Yet the Goddess herself was higher than they, and was taller than them all by the neck. The color that is won't to be in clouds, tinted by the rays of the sun when opposite, or that of the ruddy morning, was on the features of Diana, when seen without her garments. She, although surrounded with the crowd of her attendants, stood sideways, and turned her face back; and how did she wish that she had her arrows at hand; and so she took up water,25 which she did have at hand, and threw it over the face of the man, and sprinkling his hair with the avenging stream, she added these words, the presages of his future woe: “Now thou mayst tell, if tell thou canst, how that I was seen by thee without my garments.” Threatening no more, she places on his sprinkled head the horns of a lively stag; she adds length to his neck, and sharpens the tops of his ears; and she changes his hands into feet, and his arms into long legs, and covers his body with a spotted coat of hair; fear, too is added. The Autonoëian26 hero took to flight, and wondered that he was so swift in his speed; but when he beheld his own horns in the wonted stream, he was about to say, “Ah, wretched me!” when no voice followed. He groaned; that was all his voice, and his tears trickled down a face not his own, but that of a stag. His former understanding alone remained. What should he do? Should he return home, and to the royal abode? or should he lie hid in the woods? Fear hinders the one step, shame the other. While he was hesitating, the dogs espied him, and first Melampus,27 and the good-nosed Ichnobates gave the signal, in full cry. Ichnobates,28 was a Gnossian dog; Melampus was of Spartan breed. Then the rest rush on, swifter than the rapid winds; Pamphagus,29 and Dorcæus,30 and Oribasus,31 all Arcadian dogs; and able Nebrophonus,32 and with Lælaps,33 fierce Theron,34 and Pterelas,35 excelling in speed, Agre36 in her scent, and Hylæus,37 lately wounded by a fierce boar, and Nape,38 begotten by a wolf, and Pœmenis,39 that had tended cattle, and Harpyia,40 followed by her two whelps, and the Sicyonian Ladon,41 having a slender girth; Dromas,42 too, and Canace,43 Sticte,44 and Tigris, and Alce,45 and Leucon,46 with snow-white hair, and Asbolus,47 with black, and the able-bodied Lacon,48 and Aëllo,49 good at running, and Thoüs,50and swift Lycisca,51 with her Cyprian brother, Harpalus,52 too, having his black face marked with white down the middle, and Melaneus,53 and Lachne,54 with a wire-haired body, and Labros,55 and Agriodos,56 bred of a Dictæan sire, but of a Laconian dam, and Hylactor,57 with his shrill note; and others which it were tedious to recount. This pack, in eagerness for their prey, are borne over rocks and cliffs, and crags difficult of approach, where the path is steep, and where there is no road. He flies along the routes by which he has so often pursued; alas! he is now flying from his own servants. Fain would he have cried, “I am Actæon, recognize your own master.” Words are wanting to his wishes; the air resounds with their barking. Melanchætes58 was the first to make a wound on his back, Theridamas59 the next; Oresitrophus60 fastened upon his shoulder. These had gone out later, but their course was shortened by a near cut through the hill. While they hold their master, the rest of the pack come up, and fasten their teeth in his body. Now room is wanting for more wounds. He groans, and utters a noise, though not that of a man, still, such as a stag cannot make; and he fills the well-known mountains with dismal moans, and suppliant on his bended knees, and like one in entreaty, he turns round his silent looks as though they were his arms. But his companions, in their ignorance, urge on the eager pack with their usual cries, and seek Actæon with their eyes; and cry out “Actæon” aloud, as though he were absent. At his name he turns his head, as they complain that he is not there, and in his indolence, is not enjoying a sight of the sport afforded them. He wished, indeed, he had been away, but there he was; and he wished to see, not to feel as well, the cruel feats of his own dogs. They gather round him on all sides, and burying their jaws in his body, tear their master in pieces under the form of an imaginary stag. And the rage of the quiver-bearing Diana is said not to have been satiated, until his life was ended by many a wound. Footonotes: 14. Mars and Venus.]—Ver. 132. The wife of Cadmus was Hermione, or Harmonia, who was said to have been the daughter of Mars and Venus. The Deities honored the nuptials with their presence, and presented marriage gifts, while the Muses and the Graces celebrated the festivity with hymns of their own composition. 15. So many sons.]—Ver. 134. Apollodorus, Hyginus, and others, say that Cadmus had but one son, Polydorus. If so, ‘tot,' ‘so many,' must here refer to the number of his daughters and grandchildren. His daughters were four in number, Autonoë, Ino, Semele, and Agave. Ino married Athamas, Autonoë Aristæus, Agave Echion, while Semele captivated Jupiter. The most famous of the grandsons of Cadmus were Bacchus, Melicerta, Pentheus, and Actæon. 16. Before his d**h.]—Ver. 135. This was the famous remark of Solon to Crœsus, when he was the master of the opulent and flourishing kingdom of Lydia, and seemed so firmly settled on his throne, that there was no probability of any interruption of his happiness. Falling into the hands of Cyrus the Persian, and being condemned to be burnt alive, he recollected this wise saying of Solon, and by that means saved his life, as we are told by Herodotus, who relates the story at length. Euripides has a similar pa**age in his Troades, line 510. 17. The Hyantian youth.]—Ver. 147. Actæon is thus called, as being a Bœotian. The Hyantes were the ancient or aboriginal inhabitants of Bœotia. 18. Gargaphie.]—Ver. 156. Gargaphie, or Gargaphia, was a valley situate near Platæa, having a fountain of the same name. 19. Crocale.]—Ver. 169. So called, perhaps, from κεκρύφαλος, an ornament for the head, being a coif, band, or fillet of network for the hair called in Latin ‘reticulum,' by which name her office is denoted. The handmaid, whose duty it was to attend to the hair, held the highest rank in ancient times among the domestics. 20. Nephele.]—Ver. 171. From the Greek word νεφέλη, ‘a cloud.' 21. Hyale.]—Ver. 171. This is from ὕαλος, ‘gla**,' the name signifying ‘gla**y,' ‘pellucid.' The very name calls to mind Milton's line in his Comus— ‘Under the gla**y, cool, translucent wave.' 22. Rhanis.]—Ver. 171. This name is adapted from the Greek verb ῥαίνω, ‘to sprinkle.' 23. Psecas.]—Ver. 172. From the Greek ψεκὰς, ‘a dew-drop.' 24. Phyale.]—Ver. 172. This is from the Greek φιαλὴ, ‘an urn.' 25. Took up water.]—Ver. 189. The ceremonial of sprinkling previous to the transformation seems not to have been neglected any more by the offended Goddesses of the cla**ical Mythology, than by the intriguing enchantresses of the Arabian Nights' Entertainments; as the unfortunate Beder, when under the displeasure of the vicious queen Labè, experienced to his great inconvenience. The love for the supernatural, combined with an anxious desire to attribute its operations to material and visible agencies, forms one of the most singular features of the human character. 26. Autonoëian.]—Ver. 198. Autonoë was the daughter of Cadmus and Hermione, or Harmonia, and the wife of Aristæus, by whom she was the mother of Actæon. We may here remark, that in one of his satires, Lucian introduces Juno as saying to Diana, that she had let loose his dogs on Actæon, for fear lest, having seen her naked, he should divulge the deformity of her person. 27. Melampus.]—Ver. 206. These names are all from the Greek, and are interesting, as showing the epithets by which the ancients called their dogs. The pack of Actæon is said to have consisted of fifty dogs. Their names were preserved by several Greek poets, from whom Apollodorus copied them; but the greater part of his list has perished, and what remains is in a very corrupt state. Hyginus has preserved two lists, the first of which contains thirty-nine names, most of which are similar to those here given by Ovid, and in almost the same order; while the second contains thirty-six names, different from those here given. Æschylus has named but four of them, and Ovid here names thirty-six. Crete, Arcadia, and Laconia produced the most valuable hounds. Melampus, ‘Black-foot,' is from the Greek words μέλας, ‘black,' and ποῦς, ‘a foot.' 28. Ichnobates.]—Ver. 207. ‘Tracer.' From the Greek ἰχνὸς, ‘a footstep,' and βαίνω, ‘to go.' 29. Pamphagus.]—Ver. 210. ‘Glutton.' From πᾶν, ‘all,' and φάγω, ‘to eat.' 30. Dorcæus.]—Ver. 210. ‘Quicksight.' From δέρκω, ‘to see.' 31. Oribasus.]—Ver. 210. ‘Ranger.' From ὄρος, ‘a mountain,' and βαίνω, ‘to go.' 32. Nebrophonus.]—Ver. 211. ‘k**-buck.' From νεβρὸς, ‘a fawn,' and φονέω, ‘to k**.' 33. Lælaps.]—Ver. 211. ‘Tempest.' So called from its swiftness and power, λαίλαψ, signifying ‘a whirlwind.' 34. Theron.]—Ver. 211. ‘Hunter.' From the Greek, θερεύω, ‘to trace,' or ‘hunt.' 35. Pterelas.]—Ver. 212. ‘Wing.' ‘Swift-footed,' from πτερὸν, ‘a wing,' and ἐλαύνω, ‘to drive onward.' 36. Agre.]—Ver. 212. ‘Catcher.' ‘Quick-scented,' from ἄγρα, ‘hunting,' or ‘the chase.' 37. Hylæus.]—Ver. 213. ‘Woodger,' or ‘Wood-ranger;' the Greek ὕλη, signifying ‘a wood.' 38. Nape.]—Ver. 214. ‘Forester.' A ‘forest,' or ‘wood,' being in Greek, νάπη. 39. Pœmenis.]—Ver. 215. ‘Shepherdess,' From the Greek ποίμενις, ‘a shepherdess.' 40. Harpyia.]—Ver. 215. ‘Ravener.' From the Greek word ἅρπυια, ‘a harpy,' or ‘ravenous bird.' 41. Ladon.]—Ver. 216. This dog takes its name from Ladon, a river of Sicyon, a territory on the shores of the gulf of Corinth. 42. Dromas.]—Ver. 217. ‘Runner.' From the Greek δρόμος, ‘a race.' 43. Canace.]—Ver. 217. ‘Barker.' The word καναχὴ, signifies ‘a noise,' or ‘din.' 44. Sticte.]—Ver. 217. ‘Spot.' So called from the variety of her colors, as στικτὸς, signifies ‘diversified with various spots,' from στίζω, ‘to vary with spots.' ‘Tigris' means ‘Tiger.' 45. Alce.]—Ver. 217. ‘Strong.' From the Greek ἀλκὴ ‘strength.' 46. Leucon.]—Ver. 218. ‘White.' From λευκὸς, ‘white.' 47. Asbolus.]—Ver. 218. ‘Soot,' or ‘Smut.' From the Greek ἄσβολος, ‘soot.' 48. Lacon.]—Ver. 219. From his native country, Laconia. 49. Aëllo.]—Ver. 219. ‘Storm.' From ἄελλα, ‘a tempest.' 50. Thoüs.]—Ver. 220. ‘Swift.' From θοὸς, ‘swift.' Pliny the Elder states, that ‘thos' was the name of a kind of wolf, of larger make, and more active in springing than the common wolf. He says that it is of inoffensive habits towards man; but that it lives by prey, and is hairy in winter, but without hair in summer. It is supposed by some that he alludes to the jackal. Perhaps, from this animal, the dog here mentioned derived his name. 51. Lycisca.]—Ver. 220. ‘Wolf.' From the diminutive of the Greek word λύκος, ‘a wolf.' Virgil uses ‘Lycisca' as the name of a dog, in his Eclogues. 52. Harpalus.]—Ver. 222. ‘Snap.' From ἁρπάζω, ‘to snatch,' or ‘plunder.' 53. Melaneus.]—Ver. 222. ‘Black-coat.' From the Greek, μέλας, ‘black.' 54. Lachne.]—Ver. 222. ‘Stickle.' From the Greek work λαχνὴ, signifying ‘thickness of the hair.' 55. Labros.]—Ver. 224. ‘Worrier.' From the Greek λάβρος, ‘greedy.' Dicte was a mountain of Crete; whence the word ‘Dictæan' is often employed to signify ‘Cretan.' 56. Agriodos.]—Ver. 224. ‘Wild-tooth.' From ἄγριος, ‘wild,' and ὀδοῦς, ‘a tooth.' 57. Hylactor.]—Ver. 224. ‘Babbler.' From the Greek word ὑλακτέω, signifying ‘to bark.' 58. Melanchætes.]—Ver. 232. ‘Black-hair.' From the μέλας, ‘black,' and χαιτὴ, ‘mane.' 59. Theridamas.]—Ver. 233. ‘Kilham.' From θὴρ, ‘a wild beast,' and δαμάω, ‘to subdue.' 60. Oresitrophus.]—Ver. 223. ‘Rover.' From ὄρος ‘a mountain,' and τρέφω ‘to nourish.'