[DAISY] I have a solution. Marry me, Terry. [TERRY] With the whole world expecting a different pair? [DAISY] They're expecting the wedding of a Siamese twin They won't care [BROWNING, spoken] Smart girl! [DAISY] Marry me, Terry It makes so much sense I know you want me Jump off the fence The crowd wants a wedding The bride has withdrawn Marry me, Terry The show must go on [BROWNING, spoken] Marry her, Connor. This story's too big to lose. [DAISY, spoken] No! Do it because you love me. (sung) Marry me, Terry No need to pretend I know you want me As more than a friend Last night you showed What you're capable of Have you forgotten The Tunnel of Love? [TERRY] I was weak [DAISY] No—strong [TERRY] I lost control [TERRY] Was that wrong? [TERRY] Yes, it was [DAISY] But why? [TERRY] Not the behavior Of a normal guy [DAISY, spoken] Normal? (sung) Feeling love is normal Hiding it is not Why can't you display The love you know we've got? Thought you were made of The stuff it would take My mistake Marry you, Terry? Not on your life I would be crazy To be your wife Who is the freak here, The coward, the lout? Marry you, Terry? No, I want you out!