Santa had a cup of coffee and he ate a little snack through his pack right over his back Open the windows of his little shack and shouted oh dasher and dancer Vixen and blitzen come on here were gonna get a goin' and spread some cheer So limber your legs and sharpen your hooves Cause tonight is the night were gonna jump on the roof So the reindeer they were so proud and grand to take another trip all over the land They jumped right into their proper place to get hepped up for that midnight race Ol' Santa he shook off the ice and snow boarded his sleigh and then yelled let's go All the little toys were happy too cause they were so bright and new A little piano then started to play ol' Santa began to swing and sway Thought he heard a toy drum starting to beat But he found it was just the rhythm of the reindeer feet The reindeer boogied in the middle of the road tonight we have a mighty big load Don't boogie to the left now boogie to the right Do the reindeer boogie this Christmas eve night The reindeer boogied...