Haggard - Origin Of A Crystal Soul lyrics


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Haggard - Origin Of A Crystal Soul lyrics

As dawn is weaving between fallen autumn leaves The poor ones gather under naked trees Asking how to survive, 'cause the winter breaks And medieval coldness now from a deep sleep awakes Libera me, domine, de morte aeterna in die illa tremenda [Free me, oh Lord, from eternal d**h on that terrible day] It's December, 14th 1503, as the ones above stop their mourning As the one arrived - selected to foresee - something changed without a warning! (Libera me, domine, de morte aeterna in die illa tremenda) [Free me, oh Lord, from eternal d**h on that terrible day] Es war geboren in des Christengottes Zeit [It was born in the time of Christian God] Ein Bub - so die Legende - mit des Sch?pfer's F?higkeit [A boy - so says the legend - with the Creator's power] Zu sehen, was sein wird, im Verborgenen, unerkannt [To see what will be, in obscurity, unknown] Denn der mit dem Leumund des Ketzers w?rd' ?ffentlich verbrannt [Then he that's known as a heretic would publicly be burnt] Die Hand, die - greifend nach dem Sch?nen - blutet von der Rose Dorn [The hand, that - reaching for the fair - is bleeding from the rose's thorn] Der Trieb der Menschen Habgier, bestraft durch Gottes Zorn [The human instinct of greed, punished by the God's wraith] Er, der Spiegel eurer Seele, sp?rt die Trauer, Kummer, Gram [He, the mirror of your souls, senses the mourning, grief, sorrow] Er, der Tr?ger dieses Namens: Michael de Notre Dame [He who bears this name: Michael de Notre Dame]