H.R. 3590 - Sec. 2401. Community First Choice Option lyrics


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H.R. 3590 - Sec. 2401. Community First Choice Option lyrics

Section 1915 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n) is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘(k) State Plan Option To Provide Home and Community-based Attendant Services and Supports- ‘(1) IN GENERAL- Subject to the succeeding provisions of this subsection, beginning October 1, 2010, a State may provide through a State plan amendment for the provision of medical a**istance for home and community-based attendant services and supports for individuals who are eligible for medical a**istance under the State plan whose income does not exceed 150 percent of the poverty line (as defined in section 2110(c)(5)) or, if greater, the income level applicable for an individual who has been determined to require an institutional level of care to be eligible for nursing facility services under the State plan and with respect to whom there has been a determination that, but for the provision of such services, the individuals would require the level of care provided in a hospital, a nursing facility, an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, or an institution for mental diseases, the cost of which could be reimbursed under the State plan, but only if the individual chooses to receive such home and community-based attendant services and supports, and only if the State meets the following requirements: ‘(A) AVAILABILITY- The State shall make available home and community-based attendant services and supports to eligible individuals, as needed, to a**ist in accomplishing activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, and health-related tasks through hands-on a**istance, supervision, or cueing-- ‘(i) under a person-centered plan of services and supports that is based on an a**essment of functional need and that is agreed to in writing by the individual or, as appropriate, the individual's representative; ‘(ii) in a home or community setting, which does not include a nursing facility, institution for mental diseases, or an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded; ‘(iii) under an agency-provider model or other model (as defined in paragraph (6)(C )); and ‘(iv) the furnishing of which-- ‘(I) is selected, managed, and dismissed by the individual, or, as appropriate, with a**istance from the individual's representative; ‘(II) is controlled, to the maximum extent possible, by the individual or where appropriate, the individual's representative, regardless of who may act as the employer of record; and ‘(III) provided by an individual who is qualified to provide such services, including family members (as defined by the Secretary). ‘(B) INCLUDED SERVICES AND SUPPORTS- In addition to a**istance in accomplishing activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, and health related tasks, the home and community-based attendant services and supports made available include-- ‘(i) the acquisition, maintenance, and enhancement of sk**s necessary for the individual to accomplish activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, and health related tasks; ‘(ii) back-up systems or mechanisms (such as the use of beepers or other electronic devices) to ensure continuity of services and supports; and ‘(iii) voluntary training on how to select, manage, and dismiss attendants. ‘(C) EXCLUDED SERVICES AND SUPPORTS- Subject to subparagraph (D), the home and community-based attendant services and supports made available do not include-- ‘(i) room and board costs for the individual; ‘(ii) special education and related services provided under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and vocational rehabilitation services provided under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; ‘(iii) a**istive technology devices and a**istive technology services other than those under (1)(B)(ii); ‘(iv) medical supplies and equipment; or ‘(v) home modifications. ‘(D) PERMISSIBLE SERVICES AND SUPPORTS- The home and community-based attendant services and supports may include-- ‘(i) expenditures for transition costs such as rent and utility deposits, first month's rent and utilities, bedding, basic kitchen supplies, and other necessities required for an individual to make the transition from a nursing facility, institution for mental diseases, or intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded to a community-based home setting where the individual resides; and ‘(ii) expenditures relating to a need identified in an individual's person-centered plan of services that increase independence or substitute for human a**istance, to the extent that expenditures would otherwise be made for the human a**istance. ‘(2) INCREASED FEDERAL FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION- For purposes of payments to a State under section 1903(a)(1), with respect to amounts expended by the State to provide medical a**istance under the State plan for home and community-based attendant services and supports to eligible individuals in accordance with this subsection during a fiscal year quarter occurring during the period described in paragraph (1), the Federal medical a**istance percentage applicable to the State (as determined under section 1905(b)) shall be increased by 6 percentage points. ‘(3) STATE REQUIREMENTS- In order for a State plan amendment to be approved under this subsection, the State shall-- ‘(A) develop and implement such amendment in collaboration with a Development and Implementation Council established by the State that includes a majority of members with disabilities, elderly individuals, and their representatives and consults and collaborates with such individuals; ‘(B) provide consumer controlled home and community-based attendant services and supports to individuals on a statewide basis, in a manner that provides such services and supports in the most integrated setting appropriate to the individual's needs, and without regard to the individual's age, type or nature of disability, severity of disability, or the form of home and community-based attendant services and supports that the individual requires in order to lead an independent life; ‘(C) with respect to expenditures during the first full fiscal year in which the State plan amendment is implemented, maintain or exceed the level of State expenditures for medical a**istance that is provided under section 1905(a), section 1915, section 1115, or otherwise to individuals with disabilities or elderly individuals attributable to the preceding fiscal year; ‘(D) establish and maintain a comprehensive, continuous quality a**urance system with respect to community- based attendant services and supports that-- ‘(i) includes standards for agency-based and other delivery models with respect to training, appeals for denials and reconsideration procedures of an individual plan, and other factors as determined by the Secretary; ‘(ii) incorporates feedback from consumers and their representatives, disability organizations, providers, families of disabled or elderly individuals, members of the community, and others and maximizes consumer independence and consumer control; ‘(iii) monitors the health and well-being of each individual who receives home and community-based attendant services and supports, including a process for the mandatory reporting, investigation, and resolution of allegations of neglect, abuse, or exploitation in connection with the provision of such services and supports; and ‘(iv) provides information about the provisions of the quality a**urance required under clauses (i) through (iii) to each individual receiving such services; and ‘(E) collect and report information, as determined necessary by the Secretary, for the purposes of approving the State plan amendment, providing Federal oversight, and conducting an evaluation under paragraph (5)(A), including data regarding how the State provides home and community-based attendant services and supports and other home and community-based services, the cost of such services and supports, and how the State provides individuals with disabilities who otherwise qualify for institutional care under the State plan or under a waiver the choice to instead receive home and community-based services in lieu of institutional care. ‘(4) COMPLIANCE WITH CERTAIN LAWS- A State shall ensure that, regardless of whether the State uses an agency-provider model or other models to provide home and community-based attendant services and supports under a State plan amendment under this subsection, such services and supports are provided in accordance with the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and applicable Federal and State laws regarding-- ‘(A) withholding and payment of Federal and State income and payroll taxes; ‘(B) the provision of unemployment and workers compensation insurance; ‘(C) maintenance of general liability insurance; and ‘(D) occupational health and safety. ‘(5) EVALUATION, DATA COLLECTION, AND REPORT TO CONGRESS- ‘(A) EVALUATION- The Secretary shall conduct an evaluation of the provision of home and community-based attendant services and supports under this subsection in order to determine the effectiveness of the provision of such services and supports in allowing the individuals receiving such services and supports to lead an independent life to the maximum extent possible; the impact on the physical and emotional health of the individuals who receive such services; and an comparative an*lysis of the costs of services provided under the State plan amendment under this subsection and those provided under institutional care in a nursing facility, institution for mental diseases, or an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded. ‘(B) DATA COLLECTION- The State shall provide the Secretary with the following information regarding the provision of home and community-based attendant services and supports under this subsection for each fiscal year for which such services and supports are provided: ‘(i) The number of individuals who are estimated to receive home and community-based attendant services and supports under this subsection during the fiscal year. ‘(ii) The number of individuals that received such services and supports during the preceding fiscal year. ‘(iii) The specific number of individuals served by type of disability, age, gender, education level, and employment status. ‘(iv) Whether the specific individuals have been previously served under any other home and community based services program under the State plan or under a waiver. ‘(C) REPORTS- Not later than-- ‘(i) December 31, 2013, the Secretary shall submit to Congress and make available to the public an interim report on the findings of the evaluation under subparagraph (A); and ‘(ii) December 31, 2015, the Secretary shall submit to Congress and make available to the public a final report on the findings of the evaluation under subparagraph (A). ‘(6) DEFINITIONS- In this subsection: ‘(A) ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING- The term ‘activities of daily living' includes tasks such as eating, toileting, grooming, dressing, bathing, and transferring. ‘(B) CONSUMER CONTROLLED- The term ‘consumer controlled' means a method of selecting and providing services and supports that allow the individual, or where appropriate, the individual's representative, maximum control of the home and community-based attendant services and supports, regardless of who acts as the employer of record. ‘(C) DELIVERY MODELS- ‘(i) AGENCY-PROVIDER MODEL- The term ‘agency-provider model' means, with respect to the provision of home and community-based attendant services and supports for an individual, subject to paragraph (4), a method of providing consumer controlled services and supports under which entities contract for the provision of such services and supports. ‘(ii) OTHER MODELS- The term ‘other models' means, subject to paragraph (4), methods, other than an agency-provider model, for the provision of consumer controlled services and supports. Such models may include the provision of vouchers, direct cash payments, or use of a fiscal agent to a**ist in obtaining services. ‘(D) HEALTH-RELATED TASKS- The term ‘health-related tasks' means specific tasks related to the needs of an individual, which can be delegated or a**igned by licensed health-care professionals under State law to be performed by an attendant. ‘(E) Individual'S REPRESENTATIVE- The term ‘individual's representative' means a parent, family member, guardian, advocate, or other authorized representative of an individual ‘(F) INSTRUMENTAL ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING- The term ‘instrumental activities of daily living' includes (but is not limited to) meal planning and preparation, managing finances, shopping for food, clothing, and other essential items, performing essential household chores, communicating by phone or other media, and traveling around and participating in the community.'.