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(a) In General- The Secretary shall establish a system meeting the requirements of this section under which residents of each State may apply for enrollment in, receive a determination of eligibility for participation in, and continue participation in, applicable State health subsidy programs. Such system shall ensure that if an individual applying to an Exchange is found through screening to be eligible for medical a**istance under the State medicaid plan under title XIX, or eligible for enrollment under a State children's health insurance program (CHIP) under title XXI of such Act, the individual is enrolled for a**istance under such plan or program. (b) Requirements Relating to Forms and Notice- (1) REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO FORMS- (A) IN GENERAL- The Secretary shall develop and provide to each State a single, streamlined form that-- (i) may be used to apply for all applicable State health subsidy programs within the State; (ii) may be filed online, in person, by mail, or by telephone; (iii) may be filed with an Exchange or with State officials operating one of the other applicable State health subsidy programs; and (iv) is structured to maximize an applicant's ability to complete the form satisfactorily, taking into account the characteristics of individuals who qualify for applicable State health subsidy programs. (B) STATE AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH FORM- A State may develop and use its own single, streamlined form as an alternative to the form developed under subparagraph (A) if the alternative form is consistent with standards promulgated by the Secretary under this section. (C) SUPPLEMENTAL ELIGIBILITY FORMS- The Secretary may allow a State to use a supplemental or alternative form in the case of individuals who apply for eligibility that is not determined on the basis of the household income (as defined in section 36B of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986). (2) NOTICE- The Secretary shall provide that an applicant filing a form under paragraph (1) shall receive notice of eligibility for an applicable State health subsidy program without any need to provide additional information or paperwork unless such information or paperwork is specifically required by law when information provided on the form is inconsistent with data used for the electronic verification under paragraph (3) or is otherwise insufficient to determine eligibility. (c) Requirements Relating to Eligibility Based on Data Exchanges- (1) DEVELOPMENT OF SECURE INTERFACES- Each State shall develop for all applicable State health subsidy programs a secure, electronic interface allowing an exchange of data (including information contained in the application forms described in subsection (b)) that allows a determination of eligibility for all such programs based on a single application. Such interface shall be compatible with the method established for data verification under section 1411(c)(4). (2) DATA MATCHING PROGRAM- Each applicable State health subsidy program shall participate in a data matching arrangement for determining eligibility for participation in the program under paragraph (3) that-- (A) provides access to data described in paragraph (3); (B) applies only to individuals who-- (i) receive a**istance from an applicable State health subsidy program; or (ii) apply for such a**istance-- (I) by filing a form described in subsection (b); or (II) by requesting a determination of eligibility and authorizing disclosure of the information described in paragraph (3) to applicable State health coverage subsidy programs for purposes of determining and establishing eligibility; and (C) consistent with standards promulgated by the Secretary, including the privacy and data security safeguards described in section 1942 of the Social Security Act or that are otherwise applicable to such programs. (3) DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY- (A) IN GENERAL- Each applicable State health subsidy program shall, to the maximum extent practicable-- (i) establish, verify, and update eligibility for participation in the program using the data matching arrangement under paragraph (2); and (ii) determine such eligibility on the basis of reliable, third party data, including information described in sections 1137, 453(i), and 1942(a) of the Social Security Act, obtained through such arrangement. (B) EXCEPTION- This paragraph shall not apply in circumstances with respect to which the Secretary determines that the administrative and other costs of use of the data matching arrangement under paragraph (2) outweigh its expected gains in accuracy, efficiency, and program participation. (4) SECRETARIAL STANDARDS- The Secretary shall, after consultation with persons in possession of the data to be matched and representatives of applicable State health subsidy programs, promulgate standards governing the timing, contents, and procedures for data matching described in this subsection. Such standards shall take into account administrative and other costs and the value of data matching to the establishment, verification, and updating of eligibility for applicable State health subsidy programs. (d) Administrative Authority- (1) AGREEMENTS- Subject to section 1411 and section 6103(l)(21) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and any other requirement providing safeguards of privacy and data integrity, the Secretary may establish model agreements, and enter into agreements, for the sharing of data under this section. (2) AUTHORITY OF EXCHANGE TO CONTRACT OUT- Nothing in this section shall be construed to-- (A) prohibit contractual arrangements through which a State medicaid agency determines eligibility for all applicable State health subsidy programs, but only if such agency complies with the Secretary's requirements ensuring reduced administrative costs, eligibility errors, and disruptions in coverage; or (B) change any requirement under title XIX that eligibility for participation in a State's medicaid program must be determined by a public agency. (e) Applicable State Health Subsidy Program- In this section, the term ‘applicable State health subsidy program' means-- (1) the program under this title for the enrollment in qualified health plans offered through an Exchange, including the premium tax credits under section 36B of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and cost-sharing reductions under section 1402; (2) a State medicaid program under title XIX of the Social Security Act; (3) a State children's health insurance program (CHIP) under title XXI of such Act; and (4) a State program under section 1331 establishing qualified basic health plans.