Grimes - SCREAM lyrics


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Grimes - SCREAM lyrics

Chinese Characters [Verse 1: Aristophanes] 藏在肺裡的尖叫 藏在骨頭和肌肉裡的 沒有爆破前 毋庸置疑的 都會揪緊成病 曾經 乾燥的 都被潑濕 膨脹後彈牙 多肉 黏膩多汁 一個女人徒手拔掉滿頭黑髮 在夢境的山稜線行走 思念聚集成蚊蟲 張開沒有焦點的瞳孔 就像….快 張開沒有欲望的大腿 我咬下去 你還是無動於衷嗎 明明可以叫出來的呀 沿著你的脊椎走 我的手指 戳出一個冰涼的湖 四處張望 無人看守 暴露狂脫掉風衣 淚流滿面地 跳進去 [Verse 2: Aristophanes] 計劃把你高潮的尖叫聲錄起 來 卻發現剛剛按錯了鍵 一去不復返 無能重複那時刻 你躺著 和逐漸冰冷的液體 撕扯著 黏膩 透明 在我的手心開出具有彈性的花 我覺得不夠 想從你身體裡擠出更多 就在這個時候電話響起 窗外的鹿群 飛奔離去 同時 急遽消退 藍色的風 抹去世界邊緣的泡沫 從你半開的雙眼繞過 接起電話 靜默降臨 剛醒來的情慾 在電話裡喘氣 尖叫 我邊聽 邊把你的汗一滴滴舔掉 [Hook: Aristophanes] 不能吼出來 那就吞下去 Phonetic Chinese [Verse 1: Aristophanes] Cáng zài fèi lǐ de jiān jiào Cáng zài gǔtou hé jīròu lǐ de Méiyǒu bàopò qián wúyōng zhìyí de Dūhuì jiū jǐn chéng bìng Céngjīng gānzào de dōu bèi pō shī Péngzhàng hòu dàn yá duōròu nián nì duō zhī Yīgè nǚrén túshǒu bá diào mǎn tóu hēi fà Zài mèngjìng de shān léngxiàn xíngzǒu Sīniàn jùjí chéng wénchóng Zhāng kāi méiyǒu jiāodiǎn de tóngkǒng Jiù xiàng…. Kuài zhāng kāi méiyǒu yùwàng de dàtuǐ Wǒ yǎo xiàqù nǐ háishì wúdòngyúzhōng ma Míngmíng kěyǐ jiào chūlái de ya Yánzhe nǐ de jǐchuí zǒu Wǒ de shǒuzhǐ chuō chū yīgè bīngliáng de hú Sìchù zhāngwàng wúrén kānshǒu Bàolù kuáng tuō diào fēngyī lèi liú mǎnmiàn de tiào jìnqù [Verse 2: Aristophanes] Jìhuà bǎ nǐ gāocháo de jiān jiào shēng lù qǐlái Què fāxiàn gānggāng àn cuòle jiàn Yī qù bù fù fǎn wúnéng chóngfù nà shíkè Nǐ tǎngzhe Hé zhújiàn bīnglěng de yètǐ sīchězhe Nián nì tòumíng zài wǒ de shǒuxīn kāi chū jùyǒu tánxìng de huā Wǒ juédé bùgòu xiǎng cóng nǐ shēntǐ lǐ jǐ chū gèng duō Jiù zài zhège shíhòu diànhuà xiǎngqǐ Chuāngwài de lù qún fēi bēn lí qù tóngshí Jíjù xiāotuì lán sè de fēng mǒ qù shìjiè biānyuán de pàomò Cóng nǐ bànkāi de shuāng yǎn ràoguò Jiē qǐ diànhuà jìngmò jiànglín Gāng xǐng lái de qíngyù zài diànhuà lǐ chuǎnqì jiān jiào Wǒ biān tīng biān bǎ nǐ de hàn yīdī dī tiǎn diào [Hook: Aristophanes] Bùnéng hǒu chūlái nà jiù tūn xiàqù English Translation [Verse 1: Aristophanes] The screams that are buried in the lungs Buried in the bones and the muscles Unexploded, undeniable Cram into a sickness What used to be dry is now sodden Swollen, meaty, moist and juicy My teeth are bouncing off it A woman pulls out the headful of black hair with her bare hands Walks along the mountain ridges in a dream Remembrance swarms like mosquitos Opening up the unfocused eyes As if… Quick, spread the legs without desire wide I take a bite, are you still unmoved You can scream out Tracing along your spine My fingers created a cold lake I look around, no one is guarding The exhibitionist takes out his coat And jumps into it with tears on his face [Verse 2: Aristophanes] I planned to record your scream as you reached orgasm But then realize that I've pressed the wrong bu*ton The moment has been lost, irretrievable You lie there Struggling with the body fluid that is getting cold Sticky, transparent, elastic flowers in my palm I'm not satisfied; I want to squeeze more out of your body The telephone rings at this moment A herd of deer run past the window and at the same time Blue winds are dispelled so quickly, wiping out the foams on the margin of the world Escaping from your half-opened eyes Picking up the phone, silence comes The desire just awoken breathes and screams in the receiver As I listen I lick away every drop of your sweat [Hook: Aristophanes] If you can't scream then swallow it down