Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales: The Miller's Tale (Glossed Excerpt) lyrics


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Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales: The Miller's Tale (Glossed Excerpt) lyrics

Lines 3263-3276 But of hir song, it was as loude and yerne As any swalwe sitting on a berne. Therto she coude skippe and make game As any kide or calf folwynie his dame. Hir mouth was sweete as bragot or the meeth, Or hoord of apples laid in hay or heeth. Winsing she was as is a joly colt, Long as a mast, and upright as a bolt. A brooch she bar upon hir lowe coler As brood as is the boos of a bokeler; Hir shoes were laced on hir legges hye. She was a primerole, a piggesnye, For any lord to leggen in his bedde, Or yit for any good yeman to wedde.