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Lemons, If it gets in someone's eyes, it can make them cry, But in the eyes of another, it could be their comeup, Because the same lemon that can leave you with a cringed face, and a bitter taste, Can also be used to make lemonade, Just look at Beyonce, Issues with her father, She made lemonade, Marital problems, She made lemonade, Needed an album, to get woman empowered, She made lemonade, So if we just learn from Beyonce, This is what we can take away, No matter your status in life, lemons can not be avoided, Your best bet, is to toughen up, s** it up, and make the most of it, So anytime, hard times, try to cloud your eyes, and make you blind, Reach for the silver lining, Because based on your perspective, A lemon can be seen as something you should hate, OR a blessing, An opportunity to do something great, Because one lemonade stand can inspire millions, So here is the lesson, Like Beyonce would say, If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Don't Waste Our Planet