Disciples of a new cruel god Blunted by the lust for blood Ignoramus is led by a serpent Insidious defiled the sun She was the one who were sowing all the Seeds of growing brighter minds Has taken by the atrocious and blind For raving hunger of the greed Then the light has died... Enlightened beauty with the lucid wisdom Endless devotion to the sky and seas of lore She was the one who were sowing all the Seeds of growing brighter minds Has taken by the atrocious and blind For raving hunger of the greed Then the light has died and withdrawn to the skies... With the lust of power, the serpent daubed the source of light With the lust for blood, disciples tortured and k**ed In the name of god The evil became Saint... The beauty is shattered... She was the martyr and the one To be rememebered Being fallen apart Was never an oblivion Time wiped out the dust of vile And greaten the memory of the pure Curse you all who pretending as god Curse you all! The following blind! "The vile Galilean struck you and cursed you; But in falling, you became even greater! And now, alas! The spirit of Plato and the body of Aphrodite Have withdrawn forever to the fair skies of Hellas" from the poem "Hypatie" by Leconte de Lisle