Friedrich Schiller - The Maid of Orleans (Prologue Scene 1) lyrics


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Friedrich Schiller - The Maid of Orleans (Prologue Scene 1) lyrics

A rural District. To the right, a Chapel with an Image of the Virgin; to the left, an ancient Oak. THIBAUT D'ARC. His Three Daughters. Three young Shepherds, their Suitors. THIBAUT Ay, my good neighbors! we at least to-day Are Frenchmen still, free citizens and lords Of the old soil which our forefathers tilled. Who knows whom we to-morrow must obey? For England her triumphal banner waves From every wall: the blooming fields of France Are trampled down beneath her chargers' hoofs; Paris hath yielded to her conquering arms, And with the ancient crown of Dagobert Adorns the scion of a foreign race. Our king's descendant, disinherited, Must steal in secret through his own domain; While his first peer and nearest relative Contends against him in the hostile ranks; Ay, his unnatural mother leads them on. Around us towns and peaceful hamlets burn. Near and more near the devastating fire Rolls toward these vales, which yet repose in peace. Therefore, good neighbors, I have now resolved, While God still grants us safety, to provide For my three daughters; for 'midst war's alarms Women require protection, and true love Hath power to render lighter every load. [To the first Shepherd. Come, Etienne! You seek my Margot's hand. Fields lying side by side and loving hearts Promise a happy union! [To the second. Claude! You're silent, And my Louison looks upon the ground? How, shall I separate two loving hearts Because you have no wealth to offer me? Who now has wealth? Our barns and homes afford Spoil to the foe, and fuel to the fires. In times like these a husband's faithful breast Affords the only shelter from the storm. LOUISON My father! CLAUDE MARIE My Louison! LOUISON (embracing JOHANNA) My dear sister! THIBAUT I give to each a yard, a stall and herd, And also thirty acres; and as God Gave me his blessing, so I give you mine! MARGOT (embracing JOHANNA) Gladden our father—follow our example! Let this day see three unions ratified! THIBAUT Now go; make all things ready; for the morn Shall see the wedding. Let our village friends Be all a**embled for the festival. [The two couples retire arm in arm.]