Friedrich Schiller - Mary Stuart (Act 4 Scene 2) lyrics


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Friedrich Schiller - Mary Stuart (Act 4 Scene 2) lyrics

Enter BURLEIGH, in conversation with DAVISON BURLEIGH. Sir; let the d**h-warrant Be instantly made out, and pa** the seal; Then let it be presented to the queen; Her majesty must sign it. Hasten, sir, We have no time to lose. DAVISON. It shall be done. [Exit. AUBESPINE. My lord high-treasurer, my faithful heart Shares in the just rejoicings of the realm. Praised be almighty Heaven, who hath averted Assa**ination from our much-loved queen! BURLEIGH. Praised be His name, who thus hath turned to scorn The malice of our foes! AUBESPINE. May heaven confound The perpetrator of this cursed deed! BURLEIGH. Its perpetrator and its base contriver! AUBESPINE. Please you, my lord, to bring me to the queen, That I may lay the warm congratulations Of my imperial master at her feet. BURLEIGH. There is no need of this. AUBESPINE (officiously). My Lord of Burleigh, I know my duty. BURLEIGH. Sir, your duty is To quit, and that without delay, this kingdom. AUBESPINE (stepping back with surprise). What! How is this? BURLEIGH. The sacred character Of an amba**ador to-day protects you, But not to-morrow. AUBESPINE. What's my crime? BURLEIGH. Should I Once name it, there were then no pardon for it. AUBESPINE. I hope, my lord, my charge's privilege—— BURLEIGH. Screens not a traitor. LEICESTER and KENT. Traitor! How? AUBESPINE. My Lord, Consider well—— BURLEIGH. Your pa**port was discovered In the a**a**in's pocket. KENT. Righteous heaven! AUBESPINE. Sir, many pa**ports are subscribed by me; I cannot know the secret thoughts of men. BURLEIGH. He in your house confessed, and was absolved. AUBESPINE. My house is open—— BURLEIGH. To our enemies. AUBESPINE. I claim a strict inquiry. BURLEIGH. Tremble at it. AUBESPINE. My monarch in my person is insulted, He will annul the marriage contract. BURLEIGH. That My royal mistress has annulled already; England will not unite herself with France. My Lord of Kent, I give to you the charge To see Count Aubespine embarked in safety. The furious populace has stormed his palace, Where a whole arsenal of arms was found; Should he be found, they'll tear him limb from limb, Conceal him till the fury is abated— You answer for his life. AUBESPINE. I go—I leave This kingdom where they sport with public treaties And trample on the laws of nations. Yet My monarch, be a**ured, will vent his rage In direst vengeance! BURLEIGH. Let him seek it here. [Exeunt KENT and AUBESPINE.