Fiya - Bishop john francis lyrics


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Fiya - Bishop john francis lyrics

Bishop John Francis Some of you have seen me on television But you didn't know my mother had cancer I heard the testimony of cancer,The doctor Gave her over to die She came down to skin and bone, she was black And they were preparing for her funeral But she couldn't die you know why? I wasn't born yet Whenever you've got a destiny, d**h has to back off And I believe somebody is getting a miracle right now I dare you to scream out of your mouth.. Shout out Come on, Come on, Come on up your mouth See what you fell to understand The three Hebrew boys were placed in the fiery furnace Nebuchadnezzar put them in there but what he Didn't recognize was that they were of the seed Of Juda, their linage was Juda Now the word Juda you know is the Hebrew Word Yehuda where we get the word praise from Some of you still don't know about it but let me help you Leah was trying to get her husband to love her And she realize having babies don't make a man Love you.. Talk to me woman, talk to me, talk to me So she recognize since he won't love me, I'm gonna Name this child praise Now you still ain't got it yet Praise is always birthed out of rejection I want to find the real praisers for a second.. If you ain't Been through anything you won't know how to praise But for everyone in this building you've been to hell and Back God said this next birth has to be praise I need you To scream like you're losing your minnnnnnnd Watch this, Watch This,There's some people In here say I've heard it before all the preachers That's all they keep saying is pray, shout, make Some noise But don't worry about them God says because We are praising everything that is tying you up is Gone get loose cause of our praise Look at your neighbor say neighbor 30 seconds That was the wrong neighbor find someone else, turn to Someone else say neighbor 30 seconds I want you to Scream, I want you to Shout, I want you To Jump,. there 's a praise in here Now!