Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 4 Script: Part 3 lyrics


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Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 4 Script: Part 3 lyrics

Scene 11: Rosa Is Healed Scene 12: Rydia Uses Fire Scene 13: Yang Joins The Party Scene 14: Meet Golbeza Scene 15: Rosa For The Earth Crystal (Rosa Is Healed) [Back in Kaipo.] [You shined the Light of the Desert on Rosa!] ROSA: Ooh... ROSA: Cecil! You're here! I'm so glad... CECIL: Why did you come here? ROSA: I heard you died in the earthquake at Mist... But I didn't believe it... CECIL: Don't worry... I'm here... Rosa, who is Golbeza? ROSA: The King of Baron called him to take your place as the commander of the Red Wings. Ever since he came, King Baron has given more and more authority to him... Golbeza is certainly the one influencing the King to gather the four Crystals. The Water Crystal from Mysidia... The Fire Crystal from Damcyan... The Wind Crystal from Fabul... and the Earth Crystal from Toroia. GILBERT: He's taken the Fire Crystal... CECIL: This is Gilbert, the prince of Damcyan. It's because of him that we were able to heal you. This girl is Rydia, from Mist. RYDIA: Are you OK? ROSA: I'm better... thanks... If Damcyan's crystal has already been taken then Fabul is next! We can't let this happen... -cough, cough- CECIL: Rosa, don't overdo it. We'll go to Fabul. GILBERT: But the way to Fabul over Hobs Mountain is frozen over... ROSA: ...Rydia, can you cast Fire? RYDIA: ! I can't... ROSA: If you're a Summoner, you should be able to cast a basic Black Magic spell like Fire...-cough- CECIL: Rosa! You must rest! [At night. Gilbert, unable to sleep, plays his harp. Suddenly, he is attacked by a Sahagin. During the battle, the ghost of Anna appears. This exchange is in the battle script, so I don't have it. And I'm past that point in my saved game, so it's gonna be awhile before I can put it in. Basically, in it, Anna encourages Gilbert to have courage, then fades out, and Gilbert wins the battle. Unless you've leveled him up insanely already, and I mean insanely, he gains several levels in the process. After the battle ends, her ghost is visible again.] GILBERT: Anna...why did you have to leave me..? GILBERT: Anna! ANNA: Gilbert, I must leave...My time has come... to become one with an eternal spirit... GILBERT: Anna! Please don't go! ANNA: Gilbert, be brave! You must not let Golbeza gather the Crystals... You loved me. Now give that love to the people of this earth. [Anna fades out.] GILBERT: Anna, I'll fight. But courage... Anna, what should I do...? (Rydia Uses Fire) [At the base of Mt. Hobs.] The path is blocked by a wall of thick ice. ROSA: Rydia. Try to cast fire. RYDIA: ... GILBERT: Rydia? ROSA: You CAN do this! RYDIA: ... ROSA: ? RYDIA: I hate fire! CECIL: I see... Because of that Bomb Ring's inferno, Mist was... [Rosa walks to Rydia's side.] ROSA: What? Listen, Rydia. You're the only one here with the power to melt this ice. RYDIA: ... ROSA: If we can't get past this ice to Fabul, many more people will be in danger... Please...try to be brave! GILBERT: Brave... ROSA: Rydia, please! GILBERT: Come on, Rydia! CECIL: ... RYDIA: ... ... ... RYDIA: Fire!! Rydia learned Fire! GILBERT: That's incredible, Rydia! RYDIA: heh... ROSA: Thank you, Rydia! CECIL: Rydia... (Yang Joins The Party) [At the summit of Mt. Hobs, the group discovers a strange sight.] CECIL: What's that? [They step forward to see more clearly what is going on. In front of them, a man stands before a large group of enemies, apparently unfazed by the number of his foes.] GILBERT: Those clothes... He must be a Monk of Fabul! [A moment later, the man goes into action.] MONK: Haa! [With two swift kicks, two of the enemies are dispatched. Three more approach, and the man repeats his exclamation. These three, too, are quickly defeated. Then a larger, meaner-looking enemy, the last, approaches.] GILBERT: That one looks tough! RYDIA: Let's help him! [Battle with Mother Bomb.] MONK: Thank you for coming to my aid in my hour of need. I am the captain of the Monks of Fabul, Yang. My men and I were training here on Mt. Hobs, and suddenly we were attacked by hoards of monsters. My men...were all k**ed... I am the only one alive... CECIL: We're headed to Fabul. ROSA: A man called Golbeza is using Baron to collect the Crystals... YANG: Then they will be coming after Fabul's Wind Crystal! GILBERT: Yes... Damcyan's Crystal has already been stolen. YANG: !...Good God! Our main force was all k**ed! Those in the castle have only just begun their training! If we're attacked now... ROSA: Most likely, those monsters were sent by Golbeza... YANG: In order to weaken Fabul's defenses!? CECIL: If that's the case, then they should be coming any minute! We'll help you! Quickly, we must go to Fabul! YANG: But I can't let you get caught up in all this... CECIL: This is our fight too! GILBERT: I'm the Prince of Damcyan. CECIL: Rosa and I were from Baron. And this girl... I was deceived by the King of Baron and then... RYDIA: ... YANG: You have your own reasons as well, I see... I apologize! May I request your help? CECIL: Of course! Let's go! YANG: Fabul is east of the mountain. Let's hurry! [Monk Yang joined the party!] [Fabul.] KING FABUL: Yang, you're back! The look on your face... YANG: King Fabul, the man known as Golbeza is mobilizing the forces of Baron to take our crystal! KING FABUL: What!? Can this be so? YANG: These people came to let us know. KING FABUL: Who are they? CECIL: There's not much time. We must fortify the castle! KING FABUL: Wait a minute! You're a Dark Knight from Baron! Can I trust you? YANG: Your Highness! They saved me from Golbeza's minions on the mountain! CECIL: Time is of the essence! We must prepare for battle! ROSA: Please hurry! GILBERT: It's been quite a while, King Fabul. KING FABUL: Prince Gilbert! GILBERT: Damcyan has already been attacked and our crystal stolen! I lost... everyone dear to me... everything that mattered... Don't let Fabul suffer the same fate. YANG: Well then, Sir Cecil! YANG: These people are extremely sk**ed in the fighting arts. Please allow them to fight with me on the front lines! KING FABUL: If you are this insistent, I shall leave this matter in your hands, Yang! Ladies, since you possess the white magic sk**, would you provide medical aid? ROSA: Very well. KING FABUL: Yang, I'm counting on you! YANG: I will guard my country with my life! ROSA: Take care, Cecil... CECIL: You too... Rydia! Take care of Rosa! 'Here they come!' YANG: Move out to meet them! 'It's the Red Wings!' CECIL: We're just going to get k**ed like this! YANG: Inside the castle! Hurry!! YANG: I'm sorry, bringing you into a hopeless battle! CECIL: As I said before, this is our fight as well! And we haven't lost yet! GILBERT: they come! YANG: Damn! Pull back! CECIL: Isn't the throne room back here!? YANG: Don't worry! The King has evacuated with the people to a safe area! We have to worry about these monsters! YANG: k** 'em all! GILBERT: It's hopeless here! YANG: Damnit! YANG: The door is locked! We've got to hold them here! CECIL: Where's the crystal?! YANG: In the room beyond here! YANG: What the hell are you doing?! GILBERT: He..he's not human! YANG: We're trapped! Retreat to the Crystal room! [They fight off the monsters, then retreat to the Crystal Room. They stand in front of the Crystal, waiting for an attack. Shortly the door opens, and in steps... Cain.] CAIN: It's been a while... CECIL: Cain! You're alive! [Cecil steps forward gladly to greet his friend.] CAIN: Yeah, I guess I am... CECIL: Let's fight together! CAIN: I intend to. But I will be fighting YOU, Cecil! CECIL: Cain!? CAIN: Man-to-man combat, Cecil! CECIL: Cain? CAIN: k** me if you can! [The Dragon Knight Jumps toward Cecil.] [Cecil falls to Cain's superior Jump attack.] (Meet Golbeza) CECIL: You're...under Golbeza's control!? Why?! CAIN: Wake up... Time to die... YANG: You'll have to come through me first! [Suddenly a voice calls from the door...] 'NO!! STOP!' [Rosa and Rydia enter the room.] CAIN: ...Rosa..? ROSA: Cain, no!! CAIN: Urg...agh..! Don'! [Cain bows his head. Then another voice is heard from the doorway...] What's troubling you, Cain? [Enter Golbeza.] GILBERT: Golbeza! CECIL: You're Golbeza...! GOLBEZA: So you're Cecil... Perfect setting for introductions, don't you think? Well, perfect for me, at least. You're sprawled on the ground and I'm about to take the crystal. GILBERT: Cecil! YANG: Over my dead body! GOLBEZA: That's the whole idea. [Golbeza sends forth a beam of energy, throwing Gilbert and Yang to the side and clearing a path to the crystal.] GOLBEZA: Cain... Stop standing around and get the Crystal. CAIN: Yes, Master! [Cain walks up to the crystal's stand. Suddenly Rosa calls out to him.] ROSA: Stop, Cain! CAIN: ! CECIL: Stay away, Rosa!! GOLBEZA: I get it... This girl is dear to you. So I'll take her. It's been a pleasure defeating you. We must do it again sometime. And since I have this girl, there'll be a next time... Let's go, Cain! [Golbeza picks up a struggling Rosa and leaves. Cain takes the crystal from its stand, and follows Golbeza... but he stops by Cecil first.] CAIN: Looks like you get to live a bit longer, Cecil! [Cain then leaves. Cecil calls after him.] CECIL:! [Pause.] Agh... [Rydia looks around at her fallen companions.] RYDIA: Cure! [She casts it. The others revive.] RYDIA: Are you all right? GILBERT: ... Rosa... kidnapped. YANG: ...We couldn't protect the crystal... I...failed... CECIL: Rosa... RYDIA: Hey! Don't give up so easily! Rosa's gonna be all right... And we can get back the Crystal! GILBERT: ...That's right! GILBERT: Rosa... In order to fight Golbeza, we're going to need an airship. But only Baron has them... YANG: I wonder if there's any way to sneak into Baron... CECIL: As Baron's military strength lies in the Red Wings, their navy is comparatively weak. If we're going to sneak in we'll have to do it by sea. RYDIA: Then we're going to need a ship. YANG: Let's ask the King first thing tomorrow morning. You came to his aid in a time of need. The King will most certainly grant you one. CECIL: Please... YANG: Who was that Dragon Knight? CECIL: He's Cain, and he rival and... best friend. We vowed to escape Baron together... YANG: Really... GILBERT: In any case, let's rest easy tonight. CECIL: ... [Sir Yang, you must be tired. Please rest.] YANG'S WIFE: Dear! Be sure to show those ba*tards how much we like invasions! YANG: Yes Ma'am! YANG'S WIFE: All of you, please be careful! CECIL: Yes Ma'am! CAPTAIN: So you're Cecil! I've heard about you! Just sit back and relax. We'll be at Baron before you know it! All right, cast off, mates! CAPTAIN: We'll thank those ba*tards for attacking our homes! SAILORS: Aye Captain!! YANG: So, what do you intend to do once you reach Baron? CECIL: What the--? SAILOR: It can't be! CAPTAIN: You scurvy dogs! Stop screaming like women and DO SOMETHING! RYDIA: Kyaa-! YANG: Rydia! CECIL: Rydia! Yang! CECIL: ... ... .... ..... Oh.. Ooh... CECIL: Where am I? CECIL: Rydia! CECIL: Gilbert! CECIL: Yang! CECIL: ...I'm alone... (Rosa For The Earth Crystal) [Back in Castle Baron, Cid leads Cecil, Tellah, and Yang to what seems to be a solid wall. He flips a hidden switch, and a section of the wall swings inward, revealing a long stairway. At the bottom, Cid leads them onto the airship.] YANG: To think it would be hidden here.. TELLAH: Incredible! CID: Sorry to keep you waiting, Enterprise! Let's go! [Cid starts the engines, and the Enterprise rises from its underground berth. But no sooner are they airborne than they see another airship, one of the Red Wings, approach.] CID: Aw, jeez. As soon as we get her up and running, she's gotta show off her stuff! Well, whaddya say, babe? Let's show 'em what you got! [As the airship comes closer...] CECIL: Wait! YANG: That's... TELLAH: A white flag? [The airship pulls alongside theirs. Then a figure steps onto a bridge between the two ships.] CECIL: Cain! [Cain walks slowly toward Cecil.] CAIN: So you're still alive, Cecil. [Cid leaves the helm and joins the others.] CID: Cain, what the hell do you think you're doing!? What do you want? [Cain does not respond. Then Cecil steps toward him.] CECIL: Rosa had better be she? CAIN: So you really are worried about your little who*e, aren't you? If you want to see her again... alive... you'll have to trade her for the Earth Crystal of Toroia. CECIL: What!? TELLAH: You coward! CAIN: When you get it, I'll contact you. You'd better get it, understand? If you really care about Rosa, that is. YANG: You son of a b**h! [Cain starts back toward his ship.] CECIL: Cain! Come to your senses! [Cain turns back toward him.] CAIN: That's all I have to say. [Cain returns to his airship, and it leaves.] YANG: Sir Cecil... CID: Cain? What's gotten into you...? CECIL: Let's go to Toroia! Cid, head northwest!