Fidel Castro - MESSAGE TO U THANT lyrics


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Fidel Castro - MESSAGE TO U THANT lyrics

Havana--The following is the text of the communique sent by the premier of the revolutionary Cuban government, Fidel Castro, to the acting secretary general of the United Nations, U Thant: I have received your message of 26 October and I acknowledge your noble concern. Cuba is ready to discuss to the extent necessary its differences with the United States and to do everything within its power in cooperation with the United Nations to resolve the present crisis, but it rejects outright the violation of the sovereignty of our country due to the naval blockade, an act of force and war imposed by the United States against Cuba; and it equally rejects outright the attempt by the United States to determine the acts that we have a right to undertake in our country, the type of weapons it considers proper for our defense, our relations with the USSR, and the steps of international policy which, within the norms and the laws that regulate relations between the countries of the world and the principles that regulate the United Nations, we have a right to take to guarantee our security and sovereignty. Cuba victimizes no one, it has not violated any international law and, on the contrary, it has been the victim of aggressive U.S. acts, such as the naval blockade; and its rights have been outraged. The Revolutionary Government of Cuba, would be willing to accept the commitments that you requested as efforts in favor of peace, as long as, at the same time the U.S. Government, during the period of the negotiations, stops its threats and aggressive actions against Cuba, including a naval blockade of our country. At the same time, I express to you our willingness to attentively consider any new suggestion of yours. And, if you think it also useful for the cause of peace, our government, moved by the common intention of freeing mankind from the dangers of war, would gladly received you in our country in your role as U.N. secretary general to deal directly with the present crisis. The unrestricted respect for the sovereignty of Cuba is the indispensable framework within which Cuba can contribute with the greatest sincerity, good faith, and without sparing any effort for the solution of the present problem, and uniting its efforts to those of all the peoples who are struggling to save the peace at this moment so dramatic for mankind, and can do everything requested of it except accept the obligation of being a victim and of renouncing the rights that are inherent in all sovereign states. I reiterate my highest consideration. Maj. Fidel Castro Ruz, premier of the Revolutionary Government of Cuba. -END-