Ethereal Pandemonium - Omen lyrics


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Ethereal Pandemonium - Omen lyrics

Dívulgátus orcus vastus Diabolus véráx omnes Res... Universum infernalis Universum sic hic sólus Vae... Omnis malevolus vánus dolórósus déspéráns "Quo vadis?" - He questioned himself At the turn of the moment he stopped and was drawn Into the thinking about destination of his path Ever since that time he's been standing and never got anywhere The others kept walking and never knew, where they came to Only the God was laughing at the vanity of all the being Dismal dismay Forget the oratory of the illusionists' gildness Just will, blind will Reign of vanity mystified by petty everyday ...Tell me what's your freedom ...Possibility of heretical choice ...So show me your heresy and stop straining with that boulder named life, syzuphos! Just will, blind will Omen in your mind securing the endurance Comment se remettre de sa naissance? Comfutatis maledictis Flammis acribus addictis... Werther or stavrogin Noble love or pitilessness - choose your handman, the enchanted! And God? - "Yes" of the human heart The most yulgar omen - the wretchedness per se ...Mais qui se reconnaît dans cette mixture fleurant l'eau de rose reléguée dans la transcendance? And you are the same - just one of those pathetic flaring worms Who are seeking the sense of this delirium titled - a life... I will not tell you, that there's no omen 'cause I would disconfirm the abysmal foolery, the totality of the nothingness 'cause I would hallow the questionlessness... The only way does exist - Your own revulsion... ...Ale najhorší nepriateľ, s ktorým sa môžeš stretnúť, budeš vždy sám sebe: Sám na seba striehneš v jaskyniach a lesoch Osamelý, kráĉaš cestou k sebe samému! A mimo teba samého vedie tvoja casta i mimo tvojich siedmych diablov! Kacírom buď si sám a bosorkou a veštcom a bláznom A pochybovaĉom a nesvätým a zlosynom Sám sa chci spáliť vo vlastnom svojom plameni: ako by si sa chcel obnoviť As si predtým nezhorel na popol! Osamelý... (F. nietzsche - tak riekol zarathustra)