Epictetus - The Discourses of Epictetus: Book 3 - Ch. 11 lyrics


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Epictetus - The Discourses of Epictetus: Book 3 - Ch. 11 lyrics

CHAPTER XI SCATTERED SAYINGS There are certain punishments ordained as it were by law for those who disobey the government of God. Whoever judges anything to be good except what depends upon the will, let him be liable to envy, desire, flattery, distraction. Whoever judges anything else to be evil (save acts of the will), let distress be his, and mourning, lamentation, misfortune. And yet, though we suffer punishments so severe, we cannot refrain. Remember what the poet says about the stranger: Stranger, though baser man than thou should come, He must be honoured, for the hand of Zeus Guards stranger folk and poor. [Homer, Odyssey, XIV. 56] One should be ready to apply this to a father: 'Though a baser one than thou should come, I may not dishonour a father; for all depend on Zeus, God of our fathers', and to a brother, 'for all depend on Zeus, God of kindred'. In the same way we shall find that Zeus is Protector of all other relations of life.