Satan took me to the mountain, he took me by the hand showed to me the riches beneath us through the land and if I would but follow his lead in everything all earthly pleasures gathered up unto me he would bring Get thee behind me, do not show your face Get thee behind me, Satan leave this place Satan led me to the temple, he raised me there on high said if you be the son of God surely you can fly cast yourself into the air and call your angels down command their hands to bear you up from falling to the ground Get thee behind me, do not show your face Get thee behind me, Satan leave this place Forty days and forty nights my soul and body bare he came into the wilderness and found me hungry there bid your power o'er heaven and earth his serpent tongue did say and turn these cliffs of stone to bread and feast this very day Get thee behind me, do not show your face Get thee behind me, Satan leave this place Get thee behind me, do not show your face Get thee behind me, Satan leave this place