The man who's funeral these bells are ringing, has reached his destination yesterday How come the bells didn't ring 'til now? Bells that rang yesterday Ushered his soul, the vanguard, out of this world The ones ringing today bring his body, the rear, into the church Bells that will ring wnen he gets there bring him to me so that I could learn The bulls that now ring Memento mori, memento mori My God, besides this fever, do I still need Another reminder of my mortality? Do I need to watch the skull in the ring When my own face shows me the same thing? Must I seek d**h from my neighbour's house Though I can find it inside my blouse? The skull in the ring Memento mori, memento mori The bells that now ring Memento mori, memento mori The skull in the ring Memento mori, memento mori I can hear this late brother of mine Whom they now lower into his grave Preaching through these ringing bells My funeral sermon Speaking out aloud fratai that belfry Silently whispering from these curtains Uttering your own words: "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord From now on" * *: (Revelations 14:13) "The bells rings out: the pulse thereof is changed; The tolling was a faint and intermitting pulse, upon one side; This wronger and argues more and better life. His soul is gone - whither? Who saw it come in, or who saw it go out? Nobody, yet everybody is sure he had one, and has none."