[Music and lyrics by Marco Kehren/DEINONYCHUS] Your visit came to me as a pleasant surprise. What is it that you want from me? I have died and been buried! Your offer... being an endowment; walking hand in hand. Does this mean I'll rise again from this bone-collected earth? I'll give you back what once was mine, you'll give me back what once was yours. We shall see again, bleed again, walk again; regain the pain. Let us go now, I'm so lonely up here... My eyes are burned by the sun. I start over where my life begun. The world turns, there is night and day. In Babylon we've been taught to pray. I enjoy the falling rain, but who's carrying my burden of pain? I want to go back in the earth again. Close the window, and let the sun go home. But now there's you: Nemesis. Now I'm sitting here, indicting this all down. Naked I am... for all those years. My soma turned to dust; my bones, useless at all. I'll rest in the arms of Morpheus.