Academy Award winning song by Hoagy Carmichael and Johnny Mercer Sue wants a barbecue Sam wants to boil ham Grace votes for bouillabaisse stew Jake wants a wienie bake, steak and a layer cake He'll get a tummy ache too We'll rent a tent or tepee Let the town crier cry And if it's RSVP This is what I'll reply In the cool cool cool of the evening Tell 'em I'll be there In the cool cool cool of the evening You better save a chair When the party's getting a glow on Singing fills the air In the shank of the night when the doings are right You can tell 'em I'll be there Whee, said the bumblebee, let's have a jubilee When said the prairie hen, soon? Sure said the dinosaur Where said the grizzly bear Under the light of the moon How 'bout your brother jacka** Everyone gaily cried You coming to the fracas Over respects he sighed