[Delyra] I'm sent to you from the eternal wide sky To tell you that your fate is calling tonight [Meriad] Why did you choose me? I'm still young and not strong So you can't help, my hope is already gone [Delyra] Can't you hear the calling? The chains are falling Your blood is the one of a hero Your heart's desire can take you higher To fulfill the will of the gods [Delyra] FATE IS CALLING AND IT CALLS FOREVER FATE IS CALLING GET YOUR HEART TOGETHER [Meriad] FATE IS CALLING CAN IT BREAK MY SORROW? FATE IS CALLING THERE IS NO TOMORROW [Meriad] Is that true, that I am more than I thought My heritage is really given by gods? [Delyra] Your father was a man of honor and strength And all these values are inside you my friend [Meriad] I have heard the calling, the chains are falling Is there a destiny for me? My land was conquered and I must free it That is what you're telling me? [Delyra] FATE IS CALLING AND IT CALLS FOREVER FATE IS CALLING GET YOUR HEART TOGETHER [Meriad] FATE IS CALLING CAN IT BREAK MY SORROW? FATE IS CALLING THERE IS NO TOMORROW