Taking my chances. Making advances. Shaking leaf, dances. Breaking two, expanses. Is this what Romance is? Know all the answers. What really matters? Might just be a fad or Should I choose the latter? What could be better... This path is so long. My own little world is gone. Don't think I can go on. My own little heart, just a sad song. Don't pay no mind, To those hopeful promises Don't say "Don't cry", Those are hopeful promises. "I won't leave you" "Please believe me" "Just wanna see you." "Don't deceive me." Won't say "I'm kind", Cause I'll give you hopeful promises. Won't lay, "Won't lie", And then you give me hopeful promises. I think we've all been down this road. Ignoring all the signs, Forgetting what we're told. Rags turn to riches, fame, and weary faithful gold. Ending up the same way, Everything put on hold. I just want a warm give up from this bitter cold… I finally see a better path, I finally did the make-shift math, Hope I can still make this last. Before it becomes a break-drift past. Don't pay No mind, Don't say "Don't cry", Won't lay, "Won't lie", Those are Hopeful Promises.