Justin Fenton @justin_fenton In honor of this #TheWireMarathon, tell me a filming location you'd like to see present day, I'll take a pic on my lunch break @TheFoodChemist @justin_fenton @WireFans what about where the couch was in the projects? Justin Fenton @justin_fenton Dec 26 @_D_J_P Hamsterdam, then and now #TheWireMarathon pic.twitter.com/sK3vF857FX @SmaltimoreMD @justin_fenton @WireFans He literally just posted that: pic.twitter.com/JDK4GZNCeS Justin Fenton @justin_fenton Dec 26 .@TheFoodChemist one of Bunk & McNulty's train track spots #TheWireMarathon pic.twitter.com/E6kYxgD34m @TheRealPeteMcG East/West basketball game spot, then and now #TheWireMarathon pic.twitter.com/Rx1rcOt6Ug https://twitter.com/justin_fenton/status/548563880822452225 https://twitter.com/justin_fenton/status/548533313590538240 https://twitter.com/justin_fenton/status/548544906101526528