You scorched one field to sow another meadow shot the dollar god with your bow and left for the meadow to look for the moon to look for the moon in the man You left the town with its dazzlin' lights you left the car keys and the credit cards stopped the clock, tore a hole in the night and took a last look at the rut that was your life when you left to look for the moon in the man The town had turned to so much salt in the distance when you looked back you kept on going you had no alternative you were all in disarray a run-a-way train off the track then you had a vision of your destiny No more grafting in some fat cat's pay sun light shafting brand new day Now you've placed your faith in intuition you've left the poor drowned rat race your greatest ambition to look for the moon to look for the moon to look for the moon in the man the moon in the man the moon in the man the moon in the man the moon in the man