Why walk when your body's hurt? Why change when you've had no lessons learned? My old cave was made to last But only safe if you cave into it hard Feelingless I'll stay A while to see it here I kick the dust, my dreams aren't what they were My body has a crisis on See these lines from the father to the son And with this things I'll stay He spoke of plans he made There's ways to keep old what's new again Who knew, freezed out all on your own Building empires all dethrowned And with these plans he'll stay A cough, what it does Come on! think hard Is this the world you want? Take it from an old Still life facts your father stole And with these things he'll stay Looking for the same gold In the same old mine I'm looking for the same old holes, all the time It's what you want to life for, I know It's the same old man I know