9-9 This new book I been reading, because I didn't like the one i was reading last week.This one is called Ruby's Imagine. It's bascially a poetry book. Which is why I am not going to continue to read it. Will find a new one. I like comedy books. Like Diary of a Wimpy kid. 9-11 I was reading about 9-11 it's crazy how they bombed us like that and USA, didn't respond until they found Osama, knowing he was behind it. It's crazy how people was jumping out the windows off of the tallest builiding here. 9-12 Today I was reading about Lamar Odem from the clippers. He was fined alot of money almost millions. Cause he threw stuff and got aditted to weed and other d**. I dont see how basketball players get so mad over things and have to do d** they are so RICh.