All Colin Meloy Songs

Songs In album
12/17/12 -
A Beginning Song -
A Brief Introduction to Shirley Collins * Colin Meloy Sings Live!
A Cautionary Song Colin Meloy Sings Live!
A Skull, a Ship, and a Sheep * Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Anti-Summersong -
Bandit Queen -
Barbara Allen Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Blues Run the Game Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Bring It On Home to Me Colin Meloy Sings Sam Cooke
Calamity Song -
California One/Youth And Beauty Brigade/Ask -
Carolina Low -
Cavalry Captain -
Charlie Colin Meloy Sings Trad. Arr. Shirley Collins
Cherry Tree Carol Colin Meloy Sings Trad. Arr. Shirley Collins
Cupid Colin Meloy Sings Sam Cooke
Dance to Your Daddy Colin Meloy Sings Trad. Arr. Shirley Collins
Devil's Elbow Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Down By The Water -
Dracula's Daughter Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Easy Come, Easy Go -
Everyday Is Like Sunday Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey
Evoking a Campfire Singalong * Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Fits & Starts -
Good Times Colin Meloy Sings Sam Cooke
Grace Cathedral Hill Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect/Dreams Colin Meloy Sings Live!
I Drew My Ship Colin Meloy Sings Trad. Arr. Shirley Collins
I Know Very Well How I Got My Name Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey
I've Changed My Plea to Guilty Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey
Jack the Ripper Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey
January Hymn -
Lake Song -
Make You Better -
On the Bus Mall Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Philomena -
Pregnant for the Last Time Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey
Red Right Ankle Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Riverswim -
Shiny -
Sister I'm a Poet Colin Meloy Sings Morrissey
Sons And Daughters -
Summertime Colin Meloy Sings Sam Cooke
That's Where It's At Colin Meloy Sings Sam Cooke
The Bachelor and the Bride Colin Meloy Sings Live!
The Crane Wife 1 & 2 -
The Crane Wife 3 -
The Engine Driver Colin Meloy Sings Live!
The Gymnast, High Above the Ground Colin Meloy Sings Live!
The Hazards of Love 4 (The Drowned) -
The Island: Come and See; The Landlord's Daughter; You'll Not Feel the Drowning -
The Mariner's Revenge Song -
The Rake's Song -
The Singer Addresses His Audience -
The Wrong Year -
Till The Water Is All Long Gone -
Turpin Hero Colin Meloy Sings Trad. Arr. Shirley Collins
We Both Go Down Together Colin Meloy Sings Live!
Wonder -