Coalest - Reborn In Hell lyrics


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Coalest - Reborn In Hell lyrics

arE yOU sCaRED? THis iS not eNOuGH sEE SHAKIng EYes, Hear thE bIttER LAUgH OvERlOaDed vaLVE for a hearT tHaT stEAMs cAn't TakE thE preSsure, I caN Feel it BUrStInG AT THE SEamS liBERAte My SIcK SOUL, SEPERaTe THE CoRE a mILLIOn nEEdleS StIChing mE NOT aNyMORe i hatE the pAiN i LOVE tO HATe iNhaLE THE mAdNESs aND eXHaLE ThE RaGE NO CRYptiC sh**, jUST A fu*kED UP miNd no BAD MaNneRs, JUst a fu*kEd uP KINd I sHAke THe BAlANCE aND BREaK thRoUGH wAllS DEletE Your BrAINs and REBoOt YOU aLL tHe americAn idoL, YOu'lL NEVER WAnNA HEar I'M A PSYCho FreaK, YOU'lL nevEr sheD A TeaR A moRTAL INFEctioN, Set Me free fu*k IT aLl! cAuSE The WOrlD fu*kS Me! ThiS, tHIs iS THE oTHEr Me yoU, yOU beTTEr shOuLd BeLiEVE I, I'M nOt thE oNLy one sHatTered, TATTEred AnD lEFt ALL AlonE My Body iS My TEMple, A RuIN, sh*t self-DEstrucTIVe i dON't GivE A RaT'S asS! I WIll sCreAm UntIL My thRoAT BlEeDs I WILL FeeL IT TIlL MY bONES BreaK tHIS IS NOT About acTiNg LiKE a Big Shot tHIs Is LIFe, onEs YOu've tASted BloOd nOTHINg'S eQUAL, EVeRYthiNg eLSe Is DUlL WE're GEttiN MurDeRED AND reborn iN heLl! I'M A CAnNIBAl i'M fEEDiNG MYSeLF But i'm ONLy eATING GOOd flEsh INSIDE MYSELf lIckinG oFf THE Bone And GuLP iT doWN it'S SiCKEniNg, BUt i WOn't coME OUt i dO Not BreATh, BUT i'M EAting oN tAke ANoThER bItE aND MY TiME has come i GOt noThING To SAY i'm a HIDEOuS creeP i sTILl KEEP sILEnT, bUt StiLL wAtErS RUN DEeP aSK yOursElF: what the fu*k Is wronG? THEy'rE CHaNGINg sidES one BY OnE I'M JuSt aN IMage oF The WORld tODAy yoU GOT THe bULLeTs, SO lEAd mE tHROUGH thE OnewaY buiLd A CAGE AND loCK ME up noONe wilL be SAfE, i'M A TIckinG bOmb It alWaYs WAS and iT Always wIll Be iF i dON'T FIt, YOu wiLL f**iNg FIt Me!