Monday 10-7-13 Today I read chapter 6 of "The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe." This chapter The whole crew of kids finally stumbled upon Narnia all together. Peter apologized to Lucy for making a fool of her because the whole group of kids find out. They all wanted to explore Narnia so Lucy proceeded to taking them to Mr. Tummus' house. As soon as they arrived they discover that the faun has been arrested for communicating with humans. Lucy and the rest all wanted to save the faun because Lucy felt like she caused it. so They follow whom they ask directions for to take them were they took the faun. Wednesday 10-9-13 Today I read chapter 7 of "The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe." So In this chapter They follow a robin until certain point were it abandons them and flies off. Then something was hiding in the trees and dodging them but then stops and tells them to follow it. They go up to it and figure out its beaver. The Beaver says to follow him so they can talk somewhere privately cause the trees can hear them. So they go to the beavers dam and they have dinner and they have a conversations with the beavers there and hope to see how they can save the faun. Thursday 10-10-13 Today I read chapter 8 of "The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe." In this chapter the group of kids were discussing on how they can save the faun. They were to fulfill a prophecy and meet the kind Aslan. Aslan is a beast the great and would bring peace and good to Narnia. They were to meet him in order to fulfill there prophecy. Before anything had been done Edmund had a escaped to go see the witch of a queen to tell her about the king and that he has brought his brothers and sisters.