Cathy Davidson - The History and Future of Higher Education (HASTAC Blog) lyrics


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Cathy Davidson - The History and Future of Higher Education (HASTAC Blog) lyrics

Concerned about the challenges facing Future of Higher Education? Join us and be part of the solution. #FutureEd "The History and Future of Higher Education" is a multi-institutional, worldwide HASTAC initiative on the future of higher education that will launch in January of 2014. Below you will find a growing list of people and institutions offering courses, workshops, seminars, and reading groups on all aspects of this topic, in different onsite locations and offering online, public participation. A group wiki will be used to create a collaborative resource guide for innovations and action items by our individual and institutional partners. A MOOC on the history and future of higher ed, beginning in late January, will extend our reach to an anticipated audience of some 50,000 participants worldwide. (Register for the MOOC here.) This blog post includes: current lists of participants, information about how to join and have your course or event listed, and a selection of resources to help fuel the discussion of higher education transformation. Jump to the collection of posts related to this intiative. OUR MISSION: We believe advocacy and responsibility for shaping the future of higher education should be led by those who have most experience and most at stake in all the forms and institutions of advanced learning. The more varied the participation, the more we will learn. Beyond students and professors, we invite other stakeholders to join: administrators, policy makers, foundation and philanthropic leaders, librarians, curators, alt-ac professionals, business and political leaders, K-12 teachers and students, and the concerned public at large. HERE'S HOW TO JOIN THIS MOVEMENT: Anyone is invited to be listed in our consortium. If you offer a course or informal learning program (workshop, seminar, working group) on any aspect of the history and future of (mostly higher) education, you can be part of this project. Simply click on the orange "Suggest an Addition" bu*ton to the upper left of this post and fill out the form with your information; or, you can address email inquiries or information to HASTAC's Program Manager: You can register for the MOOC on the Coursera website. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES: Digital Media and Learning Conference 2014: March 6-8, 2014, Boston. "Connecting Practices" calls on all of us to build shared agendas and goals, across disciplines, institutions, and sectors. to re-imagine the where, when, and how of educational practice. Proposals due November 4, 2013. HASTAC 2014 Conference: April 24-27, 2014: Ministerio Cultura, Lima, Peru. "Hemispheric Pathways: Critical Makers in International Networks." Call for proposals and further information coming soon. ONLINE DISCUSSION GROUP: Anyone registered to (it's free and open) can join the HASTAC Discussion Group "Teaching, Learning, Culture (TLC)." You can post your syllabus or any other information or discussion topic there. Among the key questions we hope to address: How can we rethink inherited structures of formal education in ways that enhance free, creative expression for the world we live in now? Are there new ways of opening access and fostering diversity that make the "commons" stronger? How can we change models of a**essment so that we can count what we value--and value what we count? How can we simultaneously ensure a more financially stable academic workforce (professors), lower cost to students, and engage in a transformative educational redesign that integrates all modes of learning and research (general education and specialized training) to support students in a lifelong quest for a fulfilling, productive future? CO-LOCATED COURSES AND WORKSHOPS WITH AN OPEN PUBLIC COMPONENT (beginning January 2014): Below is the growlng list of co-located courses, workshops, and events on some general or specific aspect of the history and/or future of higher education. The courses listed below have different lengths, different focus and formats, with different syllabi, and offered across many universities in different countries, as well as informal reading groups, teacher professional development seminars, and non-credit courses at some high schools and possibly one middle school. Optional: Several participants are scheduling cla** meetings, events, or office hours Wednesdays, 4-7 pm EST as a common time for webinars, Google HangOuts, and other public online events. • Tom Abeles, editor, On the Horizon journal, Rwanda • Bryan Alexander, senior fellow for the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) and author of Future Trends in Technology and Education • Anne Balsamo, Media Studies, New School, NY, "DOCC 2013: Redesigning MOOCs for (truly) Transformative Learning" (Syllabus) • Randy Ba** and Ann Pendleton-Jullian, Georgetown University, "The Future of Georgetown University as a Design Problem" • Steven L. Berg, Departments of English and History, Schoolcraft College • Steve Brier and Matt Gold, CUNY Graduate Center, "Digital Praxis Seminar" • Simone Browne, African and African American Studies, University of Texas at Austin, "Race, Culture, Migration and the Digital" • Lisa Cartwright and Elizabeth Losh, Univeristy of California, San Diego, "Feminist Infrastructures and Technocultures" • Kandice Chuh, English, CUNY Graduate Center, "Introduction to Doctoral Studies in English" • Coimbra Group (GC), Association of 40 European Universities, "eLearning and eTechnology Taskforce," Video Seminar Series, Beginning January 2014 • Columbia University, numerous courses in equity, international policy, American Studies, on the purpose and future of higher education • Arindum Datta, with Nader Tehrani, Liam O'Brien, Joel Lamere, Lorena Bello, Cristina Parreno Alonso, Irene Hwang, and others, Department of Architecture, Ma**achusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), "Biocapitlism in the Knowledge Economy" • Cathy Davidson, Program in Information Science + Information Studies and PhD Lab in Digital Knowledge, Duke University, "The History and Future of Higher Education" (Syllabus--comments and additions welcome!) • Petra Dierkes-Thrun, Comparative Literature and the Program in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Stanford University, "Reimagining the History and Future of Queer Studies in Higher Education: By Students, For Students" (draft course description) • Caitlin Fisher, Film, York University, Toronto "Future Cinema" • Inderpal Grewal and Laura Wexler, Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies and American Studies, Yale University, "Graduate Interdisciplinary Seminar in Digital Humanities" • Nadav Hochman, doctoral candidate, History of Art and Architecture, University of Pittsburgh. Visiting Scholar, Software Studies Initiative, The Graduate Center, CUNY. "Visualizing Cultural Patterns in Social Media Photography." April 10, Duke University. • Katie King, Women's Studies and American Studies, University of Maryland • Julie Thompson Klein, English, Wayne State University, "Digital Humanities" and "Community and Identity in Digital Media" • Adeline Koh, Center for Digital Humanities, Stockton College, "Introduction to Digital Humanities" • Iain MacLaren, MA in Academic Practice and Course on Curricular Design, Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, Ireland • Richard Marciano, Information Science and Director, Sustaining Archives and Leveraging Technologies (SALT), University of North Carolina, "Data, Public Scholarship, Community Participation, and New Models for Learning in Higher Education" [workshop] • Katherine McKittrick, Department of Geography, Queen's University, Canada, "Black Creative Science Cluster and Workshop" • Tara McPherson, School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California, "Digital Media and Learning" (community-based praxis course), plus wrokshops on digital publishing at humanities centers around the U.S. • Ministerio Cultura of Lima, Peru, "Hemispheric Pathways: Critical Makers in International Networks" HASTAC 2014 Conference, April 24-27, 2014. • Chris Newfield, English, University of California Santa Barbara, "Literature, College, Creativity, Corporation" • David Palumbo-Liu, Comparative Literature, Stanford, "Histories and Futures of Humanistic Education: Culture and Crisis, Books and MOOCs" (course syllabus) • Noel Radomski, Director and Associate Researcher, Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) • Howard Rheingold, University of California, Berkeley, "Digital Literacies, Learning, and Info-Tention" • Jentery Sayers, English, University of Victoria, Canada, "Digital Literary Studies: Histories and Principles" • Sean Michael Smith, Managing Editor, Hybrid Pedagogy • Society for the Humanities, Cornell University, "Occupation: From Space and Time to Practice and Politics" [focal research theme] • Doris Sommer, Romance Studies and African and African American Studies, "Pre-Texts: the Arts Interpret" [workshop] • Jesse Stommel, Department of Liberal Studies and the Arts, University of Wisconsin/Madison, and Hybrid Pedagogy • Laura Wexler, Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies, and American Studies, Yale University, "DOCC 2013: Gender & Sexuality in Media & Popular Culture" • Mia Zamora and Erica Holan, Writing Project, Kean University, "Exploring Connected Learning" * * * * ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: • FACEBOOK GROUP: "Why Online?" HASTAC Steering Committee member David Palumbo-Liu has created a terrific Facebook Discussion Group, Why Online?, which includes a round up of articles, blogs, posts, commentary, debate, discussion, and other provocations. • MOOC: HASTAC cofounder Cathy Davidson will host a six-week MOOC (or meta-MOOC) beginning in late January 2014 on "The History and Future of (Mostly) Higher:Education: Or, How We Can Unlearn Our Old Patterns to Relearn for a Happier, More Productive, and Socially Engaged Future." This course is open to all, without fee and without any prerequisites, and offered as an experiment to test the limits and possibilities of the MOOC format while also providing a stable platform for ma**ive onine peer-to-peer interactivity. For more iinformation. • MOOC DEBATE ROUND-UP: HASTAC is curating a separate collection of pieces representing the pros and cons of MOOCs, MOOC HQ. • GUIDE BOOK TO OPEN LEARNING PRINCIPLES AND METHODS (FREE AND READY FOR REMIXING): For those interested in peer-learning, here's a student-created collaboratively and peer-written book on the topic and open source and free and ready for re-mixing: Field Notes to 21st Century Literacies: A Guide to New Theories, Methods, and Practices for Open Peer Teaching and Learning. It includes essays, examples, experiments, and a toolkit for peer grading, contract grading, and collaborative writing. Field Notes is also available for annotation on Rap Genius. And for remixing, forking of the source code, and remixing and downloading, on Github. It will be available soon as a self-published book downloadable from Amazon. OTHER EXAMPLES OF CROSS-INSTITUTIONAL LEARNING EXPERIMENTS: Credit for this idea of co-located hybrid and diverse courses comes from many previous co-located projects. The first that we know of (please let us know of others) was the HASTAC In/Formation Year in 2006-2007 (the same year Twitter was invented, to put that into historical perspective). Some twenty different universities coordinated a full year of public, webcast courses, events, seminars, and conferences, each with a different "In-" theme each month (in common, in community, interplay, interaction, injustice, integration, invitation, interface, innovation). You can find out more about this historic year here. Since then, a number of other co-located projects have made networks of knowledge across a variety of institutions. One of the recent ones was a multi-university American studies forum initiated by Prof Kandice Chuh at CUNY Graduate Center in 2012. We are all also very excited about Fall 2013's FemTechNet DOCC (Distributed Online Collaborative Course), a sequence of courses and events and "Wikipedia storming" gatherings, organized around the theme of feminism and technology. The FemTechNet DOCC is led in part by one of HASTAC's founding leaders, Anne Balsamo, Dean of Media Studies at the New School, NYC. See also.