Caspar Babypants - The Legend of the Bone lyrics


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Caspar Babypants - The Legend of the Bone lyrics

Well I told you bout the truck and I told you bout the worm Now listen to this tale the legend of the bone Now the man he bought the bone (I'll take that one) To make his simple soup (I'm making soup) He walked out of the shop (goodbye) With the bone inside a sack (uh huh) The sack it had a hole (oh no) And the bone fell through the hole (there is goes) The man he dropped the bone (what a fool) The bone fell on the ground (oooooh) Now the dog was on a walk (arf arf) Just wandering about (doo doo dee doo) And the bone was lying there (hey what's that?) And the dog he saw the bone (ahhhhhhh) Now the dog chewed on the bone (ar ar ar) And the bone felt right at home (this is nice) And youd think thatd be that (that's the end) But the dog found a rubber ball (boing boing) So the dog he dropped the bone (bew whip) And the bone it rattled on (rattle rattle) And finally came to rest (ker plunk) Near a lonely stump Now the crow was bored and tired (I'm bored) And needed something fun (I want something fun) And when the bone came rattling up (bdrbdrbdr-up) The crow he grabbed the bone (grab grab) And the crow flew way up high (flap flap) With the bone in both his claws (I've got it) And the bone was amazed (I'm amazed) It had never seen the mountains But the crow his legs got tired (oh my) And he realized he didn't like bones (I don't like bones) So over a mountain lake (ah ha) The crow he dropped the bone (boo wup) And the bone came sailing down (blrblrblrblrblrblr - ooo) And plopped right in the lake (plop plop) And the bone forgot to swim (I dont know how) So the bone he quicky sank (beeeeeeeew) Now the crab was crabbing around (clib clib) Looking for a friend (I need a friend) And the bone came floating down (float float) To the bottom of the lake (ahhhhhhhh) Did I tell you bout the crab (no) Hes called a hermit crab (oh I see) And he needs a hard little home (I've heard of that) And he moves all the time (cause he's restless) So the bone it had a hole (ooooh) And the crab he needs a home (uh huh) So the crab crawled right inside (get in there) And the bone became a home (ahhhhhhhh) Now that's the end of that (oh no) There is no more to tell (aw c'mon) From something for a soup (that's true) To a submarine like shell (that's better) So goodbye to the man (goodbye man) And goodbye to the dog (see ya dog) Goodbye to the crow (goodbye crow) Goodbye to the crab (goodbye crab) And goodbye to the bone