Carnage The Executioner - Minnesota Mean lyrics


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Carnage The Executioner - Minnesota Mean lyrics

(Chorus One) I want to be heard But…Hopefully/ I won't have to conform Just to make you notice me- EARNED the respect I got Since the older teens/ Why Minnesota Nice? Minnesota Mean!- NO pa**ive-aggression Approachin' thee/ Confidence over self-degradation Grow, indeed- Repel status quo & lead When ya' know the scene/ To HELL with Minnesota Nice! Minnesota Mean!- (In about 4 seconds a born-elsewhere Minnesotan will began to speak…) (Verse One) Roughly 15 years ago before I was a full-time dope verser/ I was having lunch with a Co-worker- She asked if I was born in this… Snow we wallow in/ Told her I was blown here by that Chicago wind- Said she had been here for just over Four years/ From Chicago, too, and a**umed I wasn't born here- When she saw a conflict between another employee/ As the subtle aggressor & I as the Trouble addressor- She said my confrontational… Bolder traits evoke/ Opposition to the nice Minnesota fake approach- I told her, “Even if considered in Ruder taste/ If I ever have somethin' to say I'm a say it to your face!”- But, damn! This revelation was Quite astonishin'/ THAT'S when I learned Minnesota Nice ain't always a compliment- This accomplishment meant knowledge would not prevent/ Calling it how I see it as a means of kyboshin' it- (Chorus Two) I want to be heard But…Hopefully/ I can speak my mind & it makes you notice me- EARNED the respect I got Since the older teens/ NOT Minnesota Nice… Minnesota Mean!- NO pa**ive-aggression Approachin' thee/ Confidence over self-degradation Grow, indeed- Repel status quo & lead When ya' know the scene/ YOU claim Minnesota Nice! I'm Minnesota Mean!- (In about 4 seconds an extremely-direct Minnesotan will begin to speak…) (Verse Two) When you hear me speak about Bein' mean in ya' deck/ See it as less about anger More about bein' direct- Not compared to hard in cars Flickin' me off as you sped by/ Then makin' sure we never Met eyes when at a red light- No advocate of havin' an opinion & sugar-coatin' it/ No showin' a stoic Approach that is emotion-less- Strangers are surface-warm to You in this cold state/ Why do some professional males of color re-locate?- …Searchin' for where they treat brothers great…Can't love a place/ Where ya' often subtly reminded you're from the “other” race!- …I'm proud of eloquence, “articulate” & "sound intelligent”/ But HOW White Minnesotans point it out? Grounds for questionin'!- …Rockin' “My state's better Than yours!” lanyards/ Snobs with liberal-best-place-to-be-born standards- Greatest of places for raisin' ya' babies in…Maybe then/ More amazing when your Caucasian & Scandinavian!- (CHORUS 3) I want to be heard But…Hopefully/ My tell-it-like-it-is method Makes you notice me- EARNED the respect I got Since the older teens/ NEVER Minnesota Nice! Minnesota Mean!- NO pa**ive-aggression Approachin' thee/ Confidence over self-degradation Grow, indeed- Repel status quo & lead When ya' know the scene/ Y'ALL are Minnesota Nice I'm Minnesota Mean!- (In about 4 seconds a keenly-observant Minnesotan will begin to speak…) (Last Verse) I live where there's a biker flood… Got one but don't ride it much/ Can't afford to shop at The Wedge Hair not a hipster nicer cut- They got my music, I know it's Surprisin' but/ They don't play me much on the Local Current so I give up- My sound is loud-in-your-face…Maybe they don't like the rough/ Green living ain't quite my stuff, maybe My jeans ain't Tight enough- Maybe I'm not handsome I ain't tryin' or grindin' d**/ Maybe it's ‘cuz I don't have that Skin-that-is-lighter luck- But a lack of talent is NOT the Reason I ain't large/ Discount my experience… Say I'm pullin' the race card- Clung to we're oddly equal As you're supporting Gay marriage/ But…Secretly hating Hmong & Somali people!- I BARELY have fans here... Why change to fit a duty/ Of whiny riddles or EDM to TRY MAKE ‘em listen to me?!- Don't be a pa**ive CHUMP when ya' know ya' right!/ Throw a fist & middle finger… fu*k Minnesota Nice!!!-