When you get older, when you retire Not too long from now How much do you think of every check you see Comes from social security? If we can't fix it, wouldn't it bite to be old and poor? Put a new hip in You'll have to start strippin' When you're 64 Maybe we boomers shouldn't complain Markets are complex If we start investing we could get a shock I just bought some US Air stock I could be workin' get a McJob, greet at Walmart Store A crisis is lurking You'll have to keep working ‘Til you're 84 I could get a job and model lingerie for senior gals, you can see I'm stacked I've got double D's And when she wears a padded bra It protects her knees Don't you be anxious, there'll come a time Not too long from now Checks from Uncle Sam you simply will not need Baby boomers follow my lead Live for the moment, spend every dime, there's no crisis when A much bigger wealth scare The cost of your healthcare Will k** you before then!