Cantrell Laura - Poor Ellen Smith lyrics


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Cantrell Laura - Poor Ellen Smith lyrics

Come all you people my story to hear What happened to me in June of last year Oh, its poor Ellen Smith, how was she found? Shot through the heart, lying dead on the ground Its true I'm in jail a prisoner now God is here with me and hears every vow So I do promise the truth to relate I'll tell you all that I know of Ellen's sad fate I saw her on Monday before that sad day Found her body lying and took it away That she had been murdered never entered my mind Till a bullet through the heart they happened to find Who is so cruel, so heartless, so base To murder my poor Ellen in such a lonesome place? I seen her laid out so still and so cold I heard the wild stories the witnesses told I choked back the tears as the people all said "It was you Peter Degraph, shot our Ellen Smith dead" Ellen lies sleeping with her hand on her breast The bloodhounds and the sheriff won't give me no rest They got their Winchesters and hunted me down I stole away to Mt. Airy town I laid off a year and I prayed the whole time The man could be found what committed the crime I prayed I'd come back and my character save But the flowers faded round poor Ellen's grave So I came back to Winston my trial to stand I'll live or I'll die as the law might command Ellen lies sleeping in that lonesome churchyard I stare through the bars, God knows it's hard I know they will hang me at least if they can But I swear to you, I'll die as an innocent man My soul will be free when I stand at the bar Where God tries his cross, then there like a star That shines in the night will my innocence shine And I'll make my appeal to the justice of time