Cain La Lo - Slut!! lyrics


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Cain La Lo - Slut!! lyrics

[Intro] Ha Leave me hoe [Bridge] Get it, like a, mother, f** Leave me hoe You, know, how it f**ing goes Your, p**y, is, hairy Like you need to mow Cause you, messed me, up so bad [Verse 1] You never made me glad For the crazy sh** you did That made me mad Hahaha your just so f**ing fat Your a s*ut That you act like a brat So at Funtown I thought we would have a blast Like last year we did But you messed with my feelings so bad That I don't like you anymore You always act like a who*e Get out of my life I'll make you sore If you don't I'll count all the way down to four This is how I roll Making hate about hoes or ex's But it helps me to get things off my chest We'll never be friends So no celebrating any relationship fest Cause I look like a mess But you know I'm the best I can't get hurt no more My heart can't get anymore broken I rap so loud That I am so high spoken But do you know what Listen to me now [Verse 2] You hurt me so bad My heart needs a bandage Do you have a clue You caused so much damage I have four fingers But I have a favorite Guess what I know sign language Your such a s*ut You act like a mutt You always strip your body and strut I'll punch you in the gut I wished we never f**ed Now you made me f**ing stuck I don't need love After for what the f** you frigging did We are no longer kids And now I'm famous I can be big You tricked me You like lured me back to you all the time So you can get me back I'm sorry I made your heart cracked For dumping you for my ex But I'm not like that anymore I've changed You made me raged f** you lock you in a cage I'm so done with you All I need is friends Cause they help me through anything You rock Lionel You rock too Jenn And obviously you too Nate You three made me better that i can concentrate Lionel's like my brother Let us demonstrate I play call of duty But my bullets can never penetrate Cat is a b**h and a s*ut I hope this is the last diss on a girl Don't mess with me and make me hurl I'll never diss my three best friends And I can go up like I can ascend [Verse 3] I can't date anymore They'll just hurt me some more I can't find anyone that will treat me right And I don't know who to like I guess I have to wait and see But I love to be me I'll never go for a s*ut again [Hook] Why don't you leave me hoe Cat, such a, hoe Stop, acting, like a, hoe So leave me hoe Your, such a, s*ut You, act, like a, mutt You always, strip your, body and strut I'll punch you, in the gut I wished, we, never f**ed Now, you, made me, f**ing stuck You mutt Uh f**ing s*ut [Verse 4] I hate you so bad I can't do this anymore I would of k**ed myself already But my new friends kept that from happening I remember Cat gave me a blow job We f**ed at my Camp Boy I was a champ f** you I would of wished I lost my virginity To someone special but your not And your not hot You put me on the spot Knife you in the parking lot Is that all you got You use to cut yourself Your so drama [Outro] I hate you I swear to God I hate you Burn in hell You f**ing smell Break your brain cell I'm sick of this dissing All these f**ing girls Whatever not my fault God Your a s*ut