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KING 4 did a show in Lake Land which would turn into a very dangerous situation for the 15 year old rappers and their entourage, cypher, or gang, including the rap group , 6 affiliates and their manager.. their was a total of 10 people in the bus and 2 would be shot... So apparently the group and their friends and manager would be on stage performing their songs. when a altercation broke out between 2 people in the crowd... so CMONEY would rush to the fight to see what was happening and who was winning.. and he apparently was knocked over by one of the men fighting.. so security would quickly come get CMONEY and help him up and escort him back to the stage and then they would continue to perform until they played their song get back.. and c money would begin pretending to shoot at the man who knocked him over... leading to a huge argument in which their manager would slap the man and ended up fighting.. however the manager would be loosing so TWEZ would run to the bar and pick up a empty GIN or VODKA bottle and he pa**ed it to CMONEY and CMONEY would apparently hit the man in the head with the bottle knocking him down and then the entire entourage would begin to stomp him until security broke it up. after the fight was broke up the group was to mad to finish performing and they left the club and decided to go get something to eat. On the way to the restaurant an all black 2015 Dodge Charger pulled up beside their bus and open fired.. TWEZ had his sister gun and TWEZ AND KVO began to opened fire back at the people in the Black Charger and KVO would hit him in the arm and TWEZ would hit him in the jaw and neck.. Their manager would pa** CMONEY a pistol and CMONEY would open fire hitting the pa**enger in the chest... 2 times how ever no one in the rap group be hit... but two of their friends or fellow gang members would be shot in the leg and arm.. they were all okay how ever the two men in the DODGE CHARGER are still receiving medical attention....