Burning In Hell lyrics

Burning In Hell

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Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell

Burning In Hell biography

BURNING IN HELLbr /Started: March 1995br /City: Caxias do Sul - RS. Brazilbr /Style: Melodic Power Metal(very fast, heavy and melody)br /Influences: Helloween, Gamma Ray, Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, Edguy, Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, Hammerfallbr /Founders: Emanuel Pieruccini - guitars (RIP) Leandro Moreira - guitars and vocals Marcelo Moreira - drumsbr /Albums: - Under my Dominate (1996) demo - World of Illusion (1999) demo br /- World of Illusion / King of the Iron (2000) split cd with the Aiming High (Japanese band)br /- Burning in Hell (2004) official CDbr /- Believe (2006) official CD Line up: Leandro Moreira: Vocals Geraldo Aita: Guitars Marcelo Moreira: Drums Tiago Della Vega : Guitars Ederson Prado: Ba**br /Site: www.burninginhell.com.brbr /My Space: http://www.myspace.com/burninginhellmetal Release: The work with heavy metal is very hard in Brazil. Have a look at Burning in Hell's history, the metal melodic band from Caxias do Sul/RS, which was created nine years ago. Throughout this time, the group has faced up to a little bit of everything... They had many changes in their formation; they are very far from the big comercial cities; and even, one of the band's components has pa**ed away. These were all heavy stones that had to be removed from their path, to enable them to continue the Burning in Hell's trajectory. However, as the heavy metal in Brazil is something reserved only for the strong ones, the band has not only survived to everything, but also is finally launching their first debut album, the acclaimed BURNING IN HELL, by Encore Records, based in Sao Paulo. Burning in Hell has a name which can lead the more reckless to think they are a band, which plays black or d**h metal. However, the idea was something far from that, they wanted to be completly different from the bands already existents. Therefore, they ended up choosing a name of impact, and at the same time, a strong one. The name's band has also to do with the Inquisition time, where members of the church ordered to burn the people accused of witchcraft. As nothing in Burning in Hell's life happens in an easy way, the recording of their debut album could not be different. It was almost like a labour process, or even worse, as the CD took more than one year to be "born". The band wanted to manufacture a CD of outstanding quality to be able to enter and compete with the internaticional market too. So, every detail was sorrounded by an obssessive care, and the CD also counted with the very special participation of Kiko Loureiro (Angra) in two of its tracks. In spite of launching their debut CD only recently, lots of things happened with these guys during these many years of dedication and hard work. Just to give a few examples, the band has released a split-CD in Japan with a japanese band, called Aiming High; they have also done several shows throughout Brazil. Besides, Burning in Hell has opened shows for big names such as, Angra, Shaman, Krisiun, Dr. Sin, Sonata Arctica, After Forever and HammerFall. However, in 99, a tragedy left the band in the darkness. The founder and guitarist, Emanuel Pieruccini, died at the beggining of 99. Because of this tragic loss, the band even thought it was time to put an end to their work and dreams. But thanks to the precious support received from their families, friends, brazilians and foreigners fans', as well as the love and dedication for the heavy metal, they carried on with their aspiration. Thankfully, Burning in Hell succeeded in getting over the shock and the pain, and was able to come back stronger than ever. And, their persistence has been paying off. The first brazilian press was sold out in only two months after its release, and also the reviews have been very positive. The CD has crossed the ocean, and was also realeased in Japan, market in which it has been a great success. Over there, the CD's rate was 82 and it reached the 14 position in the ranking of the best sellers of the japanese magazine Burrn! The first-rate CD has also reached the 26 position among the best sellers in one of the biggest megastores in Japan, the HMV. The extradiornary success in the East is certainly opening many opportunities for Burning in Hell.br /In 2006 the band changed its formation again, Tiago Della Vega is the new guitarist and Ederson Prado the new ba** player. Tiago is one of the faster guitar in the world and recently he got highlight in the Japanese magazine called Young Guitar (one of the most important guitar magazine in the world).br /Two years pa**ed after the releasing of the first official cd and the band release the Believe album, that show a conceitual album. Believe is musically more superior than the first album. Faster and more technical. The cd has the special guest Andreas Kisser (guitarist from Sepultura).br /Believe was releasing in Japan and in Brasil Commentary from Burn Magazine (Japanese Metal Magazine)br /The Brazilians back with 2nd album after 2 years and a half ago.br /They replaced guitar & ba** player and new guitarist is the mostbr /faster guitar player in the world. Musically Burning In Hell is faster and emotionnal melodies. They sounds should like Dragonforce. They progress song writing and vocal ability are better than 1st album. also guitar players are high techniques not only the fast play.br /thay have good melodies. I guess BURNING IN HELL is high cla** melodicbr /speed metal band better than Dragonforce. All melodic speed metal fansbr /must buy this album. 84 points.br /br /BURNING IN HELLbr /Inicio: marco de 95br /Cidade: Caxias do Sul - RSbr /Estilo: Brazilian Speed Power Metal (muita velocidade, peso e melodia)br /Influencias: Helloween, Gamma Ray, Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, Angra entre outras bandas do estilobr /Formacao: Leandro Moreira: Vocal Geraldo Aita: Guitarra Tiago Della Vega: Guitarra Ederson Prado: Baixo Marcelo Moreira: Bateria Site: www.burninginhell.com.brbr /My Space: http://www.myspace.com/burninginhellmetalbr /Albums:br /- Under my Dominate (1996) demo - World of Illusion (1999) demobr /- World of Illusion / King of the Iron (00) CD Split com a banda japonesa Aiming Highbr /- Burning in Hell (04) CD oficialbr /- Believe (06) CD oficialbr /Release:br /Fazer heavy metal no Brasil nao e facil. Veja so o caso do Burning in Hell, banda de metal melodico de Caxias do Sul/RS. Criado ha 11 anos, o grupo enfrentou um pouco de tudo ao longo desse tempo: inumeras mudancas de formacao, a distancia dos grandes centros e ate o falecimento de um dos integrantes foram pedras que o Burning in Hell teve que tirar do caminho para prosseguir em sua trajetoria. Porem, como o heavy metal no Brasil e algo reservado apenas aos fortes, a banda nao apenas sobreviveu a tudo isso como esta lancando seu segundo CD pela Encore Records de Sao Paulo, chamado Believe. Formado por Leandro Moreira (vocal), Geraldo Aita (guitarra), Tiago Della Vega (guitarra), Ederson Prado (baixo) e Marcelo Moreira (bateria), o Burning in Hell tem um nome que pode levar os mais incautos a pensar que se trata de uma banda de black ou d**h metal. So que a ideia era outra: ser diferente do que ja existe. Portanto, a escolha recaiu sobre um nome forte e impactante. Ele tem a ver, tambem, com a epoca da inquisicao, quando integrantes da igreja mandavam queimar as pessoas acusadas de bruxaria. Como nada na vida do Burning in Hell acontece de forma facil, a gravacao do disco de estreia tambem foi quase um parto - ou mais, ja que demorou um ano para ser concluida... Isso porque a banda queria fazer um disco de nivel internacional. Assim, alem de cercado por um extremo cuidado em todos os detalhes, o disco contou, ainda, com a participacao do guitarrista Kiko Loureiro, do Angra, em duas faixas. Apesar de so ter estreado em disco em 2004, muita coisa aconteceu nesse tempo com o Burning In Hell. Por exemplo, a banda teve um split-CD lancado no Japao, junto com a banda japonesa Aiming High, alem de ter realizado inumeros shows e de ter participado, como banda de abertura, de apresentacoes de grupos como Angra, Shaman, Krisiun, Dr. Sin, Sonata Arctica e HammerFall. Em 99, no entanto, uma tragedia se abateu sobre a banda: o guitarrista e fundador Emanuel Pieruccini morreu no inicio de 1999. Com sua morte, chegou-se a cogitar o encerramento das atividades da banda mas, gracas ao apoio das familias, dos amigos e dos fas do Brasil e de diversos paises, alem do amor e da dedicacao ao heavy metal de seus integrantes, o Burning In Hell superou o choque e a dor para voltar mais forte do que nunca. E a perseveranca da banda acabou valendo a pena. Tanto que a primeira tiragem brasileira de Burning In Hell esgotou-se dois meses apos seu lancamento. Tambem as criticas foram pra la de positivas. E o disco atravessou o oceano, tendo sido lancado no Japao, mercado em que atingiu grande sucesso: apos receber nota 82 e o 14 lugar no ranking dos mais vendidos da revista japonesa Burrn!, o disco esta na 26 posicao dentre os mais vendidos em uma das maiores lojas niponicas, a HMV, o que ja esta possibilitando uma provavel turne da banda pelo Oriente. Em 2006 a banda sofreu uma modificacao no Line up. Juntou-se ao Burning in Hell, o guitarrista Tiago Della Veja e o baixista Ederson Prado que se destacam pela incrivel tecnica e velocidade. Tiago e considerado um dos guitarristas mais rapidos do mundo sendo destaque em revistas como a japonesa Young Guitar (uma das melhores e maiores revistas sobre guitarra do mundo).br /Dois anos e meio apos o lancamento do elogiado trabalho homonimo, a banda lanca o album Believe, que revela uma producao conceitual. Believe e, musicalmente falando, superior ao album anterior. Veloz, mais encorpado, tecnico, de simbiose tematico-sonora, os vocais surpreendem, as guitarras serpenteiam, a bateria e o baixo ditam o frenesi contagiante de um power metal primoroso, nunca antes produzido em territorio nacional. O album ainda teve a ilustre participacao do guitarrista Andreas Kisser (Sepultura). A banda ja se prepara para mais uma tour nacional. O baterista Marcelo Moreira esta viajando ao lado do guitarrista Andreas Kisser (Sepultura) em uma tour de workshops.br /Tudo isso e um justo retorno pela dedicacao e perseveranca do Burning In Hell. Afinal, se fosse facil nao tinha graca... Comentario da Revista Burn (Japao) sobre o album ao Believebr /Os brasileiros voltam com o 2 album apos 2 anos e meio. Eles trocaram de guitarrista e baixista. O novo guitarrista e um dos mais rapidos do mundo. Musicalmente, o Burning in Hell esta muito veloz e com melodias emocionantes. Lembra um pouco o Dragonforce. Eles progrediram muito nas composicoes e os vocais estao ainda melhores que no primeiro album. As guitarras tambem estao muito mais tecnicas, nao so em velocidade mas com otimas melodias. Eu acho o Burning in Hell uma banda de Speed Metal Melodico de altissimo nivel melhor que Dragonforce. Todos os fas de Speed Metal Melodico devem comprar esse album. Nota 84.