Buffalo Theory MTL - Buffalo Theory MTL lyrics


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Buffalo Theory MTL - Buffalo Theory MTL lyrics

Alright! Sometimes dreams can come true in "Theory"! One day I left home Tired of fooling around Lets face some serious challenge and reboot the things to scratch Parlez-vous français monsieur? Oui je le parle maintenant ostie! But at the time was pretty hard to find a place to lay my back Took a plane to Voïvodland Don't look back you don't want to distract No time to understand Go! Then I saw the announcement On Metal Files mailing list I thought: these guys are pretty cool Lets give them a call and take the risk Hey Les Boys vous autres vous cherchez un chanteur? Let's go kick some serious a**es! BUFFALO THEORY MTL BUFFALO Rrröööaaarrr [ 2 x ] Were these bloody hairy men Dressed in black were ready to attack! Conquering every piece of land We're Buffalo Theory BUFFALO THEORY MTL BUFFALO Rrröööaaarrr