Buddy Wasisname And The Other Fellers - Nods 'n Winks lyrics


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Buddy Wasisname And The Other Fellers - Nods 'n Winks lyrics

(KEVIN) Newfoundland generally speaking you know Got colorful language like that haven't they I mean Anybody here from abroad who can't understand us tonight Ah Don't mind speakin up Yes That's all you got to say Yes (RAY) You were talking about Toronto over there Weren't you? (KEVIN) Yes b'y (RAY) That's where the pace is really fast isn't it? (KEVIN) Yes b'y My son It's nothing when you're in Toronto You can't say hello (RAY) No (KEVIN) To people in Toronto The same way you can to people in Newfoundland (RAY) Impossible (KEVIN) You can't do it see because you just take the subway station for instance Two thousand of them goes by you in ten seconds flat In order to say hello to all them You got to turn your Nods N' Winks up on bust Bllllllllll Take the head off your shoulder Wears out the neck too fast I mean we were going downtown Toronto sure For God sakes Saying hello to this one Saying hello to that one But they don't say hello back I mean You're going down the road You go, t t "Hello buddy" (RAY) But Kevin Ah You do get the odd one (KEVIN) Oh Sure You gets the odd one But very odd they are Ah hu, hu hu hu Hospital miracles You know the kind And of course there's more You know Like "How you doing buddy?" "Got a buck?" There's that kind And of course You know There's the odd one Like The odd fellow that has been away to long He's fellow Newfoundlander who been on the streets of Toronto And right from across the street He comes right back at you You see "How you doing buddy?" "How you getting on buddy?" "Look Newfoundland look, ha ha ha ha!" Ties some good there for a while there wouldn't it old man Come right back down to the earth then You know (RAY) But when we left Toronto And come on the boat We met this incredible character Wouldn't he something (KEVIN) Yes b'y Boys from Toronto are not that bad It's just that they haven't got there Their, their head in reality I mean We took one fellow down He had a pair of pants on like scissors And he had sort of yellow and green hair That was sort of gone sort of like a banana on the top of the head Kind of thing And like we brought him down into the fish plant in Salvage and he just didn't mix, you know. Didn't quite know how to get along with the b'ys You know You know what I'm saying We had a fellow come down with us from Toronto He used to poke fun at us "Hey Newfie guy" That's what he called us Because you got to watch the accent in Toronto It's kind of thick "Hey Newfie guy, wow, got any big buildings back on the island like that?" And I said to him I said, "Yes co*ky we do", "Wha? Oh come off it, not like that." I said, "Yes buddy, but we lay them on there sides and call them shopping malls!" It's all in the way you think about it, isn't it? Horizontal thinking That's what I call it.