Brett Dalton - Girl in the Flower Dress lyrics


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Brett Dalton - Girl in the Flower Dress lyrics

we cut to a bay area with boats on the water. A runner appears at the bottom of the screen: HONG KONG, CHINA. We cut to a busy street, locals, tourists cars and buses all moving in the busy night. The camera cuts away and then pans down into some sort of shopping courtyard. There is a man there with a small crowd circled around him. The man speaks in Cantonese, which is thankfully translated. Man: My grandfather often said that every man is a mystery. Some men harbor beautiful secrets. He appears to be some sort of street performer, while he speaks he moves his hands around almost like a magician would. The “there's nothing up my sleeve/in my hand” show. Magic Man: Other hide darker ones. He puts his hands together and blows into them, almost as if warming them. When he opens his hands an egg is there. A young man and woman watching smile at each other. Magic Man: He believed the only way to know a man's true nature is to pierce his outer shell. He takes the egg into his right hand closing is fist around it. Magic Man: And gaze within. He makes a move as if he's going to throw the egg, the woman in the path of his toss moves aside. However, instead of the egg flying out silver streamers come from his hand. People are laughing a one or two clapping. The young man who shared a smile with the young woman speaks. Young Man: Lame trick. Young Woman: They were in the egg. We see the Magic Man look at his nearly empty tip jar with a worried look. He throws down his streamers then glances up and looks at someone. We she a pretty woman standing in a flowered dress. She smiles at him sweetly and he gives her a small smile back. He turns his back on the audience gathered around. He opens his palm and a small ball of flame is sitting in his hand, he shows this to the “Girl in the Flower Dress” (hello, episode title!) Her mouth opens in awe and she appears to gasp. Magic Man: This is not a trick. He turns around quickly and throws the flame ball at the young couple. They both quickly try to protect themselves from the flames which burn out right before reaching them. This time the crowd reacts more favorably to his magic as the Young Man grabs the Young Girl's arm and leads her away. The girl in the flower dress (who will be named “Flower” until I get a better one) walks over to the Magic Man. Flower: How did you do that? She speaks to him in English, which he seems to know. Magic Man: A magician never reveals his secrets. Flower: Then I'll have to pierce your shell and gaze within? Magic Man: You understood. He seems impressed and she gives him a grin and little nod of her head. He holds his hand out to her introducing himself. Magic Man: Chan Ho Yin. She takes his hand and shakes it. Flower: Raina. I would love to see that fire trick again. Chan: I don't think that's a good idea. Raina: Of course not. It's a great idea. She gives him a smile. Cut to inside a room, we hear keys in a lock and the door opening. Chan enters, what's probably his apartment, with Raina. Chan: I'm sorry for the clutter. I'm in between places. Raina: How long have you been here? Chan: Six years. He gives her a big smile. Chan: Beer? She nods and he goes into the kitchen. She turns around and looks at all his stuff on his wall and table as she sets down her purse. He comes out of the kitchen and hands her a beer. Her eyes are locked over his shoulder. Raina: You seem to have an appreciation for the greats. He turns and looks where she is looking and we see two posters on the wall for Houdini. Chan: I idolized him for many years. Raina: And now? Chan: There's no real magic there, just tricks. Raina: And what you do, those aren't tricks? They share a little smile. Raina: Show me. Chan: I'm sorry. He walks past her. Chan: I really shouldn't. Raina: Says who? She turns around to face him as he turns too. Raina: What are you afraid of? Chan: It's not me who's afraid. He looks down and opens his hand, a flame once again appears. Raina gasps as she looks at it. Raina: That can't be real. Chan: See for yourself. Raina lifts her hand putting it close to the fire, when it gets too close she gasps and pulls her hand away. Raina: How long have you been able to – Chan: First time was a few years ago. A dish towel caught fire in my hands. I almost burned down my entire apartment. He gives a little chuckle as she looks at the flame again. Raina: And it doesn't hurt? Chan: Not even a little. He closes his fist and the flame is extinguished. Raina: You have a gift. I've never seen anything like it. Why not show the world? Chan: I ask that same question every day. There are people who… He trails off and she looks at him with interest. Chan: Never mind. It's just – for years I did illusions, tricks, like the rest. And then this happened. It's real – real magic. If I believed in such things, I would say it was a miracle, that this happened for a reason. Raina: I believe you've been chosen. He gives her a smile. Chan: You do? She steps in closer to him. Raina: Close your eyes. He does so with a little smile on his face. Raina: And I'll show you. A few seconds go by. Raina: That'll do. Confusion crosses Chan's face and he opens his eyes. Raina is flanked on either side by men in flame resistant hazmat suits. Chan turns to run and the men follow after. They grab a hold of Chan, he reaches out and grabs a pair of scissors off the table. He stabs the man in his right in his thigh, the one on his left punches Chan in his gut. Chan looks at Raina during the struggle then sees something heading to his face, knocking him out. Title Screen. Cut to The Bus flying through the air, we can hear Ward's voice while looking at the plane. Ward: Every decision you make from here on out have consequences. So be warned… We cut inside the plane. Ward is sitting in one of the chairs with a very serious look on his face. Ward: The kiddie gloves are off. We hear Skye's voice. Skye: G7. Ward slowly closes his eyes in disappointment. Ward: Hit. We cut over to Skye who celebrates. Skye: Yes! Ha! The camera pans back and we see that they are sitting at a table playing Battleship. Skye: So, explain to me again what this has to do with my training. Ward: It's important for every S.O. to evaluate their student's thought process. She's giving him a look like she doesn't believe it for a moment. Skye: Mm-Hmm. Ward: And I like board games. B10. Skye: Nope. This isn't thinking, this is stabbing in the dark. But, it's nice to take a break from the workouts. Ward: Well, you deserve a break. She gives him a surprised look. Ward: I got to give Coulson credit. I would never have pegged an ex-Rising Tide hacker as a good fit, but – you're picking things up pretty fast.. She gives him a pleased smile. Skye: Did you just give me a compliment? Ward: I…no, I made a comment. Skye: A kind one. He shrugs. Skye: Did it physically hurt to do that? She leans forward with a worried look. Skye: Do you need an icepack? They both laugh. Skye: Wow! A compliment and a smile! Ward: Comment. Skye: I don't want to ruin the moment, but I'm going to have to respond with…G4. Ward looks down at his board and what little grin was there disappears, however Skye's grin grows. Ward is wearing a pouting look and sighs. Skye: Say it, Ward. She leans closer to him. Skye: Say it. When he speaks his voice is low and he mumbles. Ward: You sank my battleship. Skye laughs and pumps her arms in excitement. Skye: Yes! Ward leans forward and resets his board. Ward: All right, best 2 out of 3. Skye: I beat you. The camera cuts over to show us Coulson and May both standing in a doorway watching them. Skye: But I just won out of nothing. Coulson: She's fitting in nicely. The camera cuts over to show us Skye and Ward playfully arguing. May: Gloating? Coulson: A little. May: You were up early this morning. Heard you puttering around even before I started Tai Chi. Having trouble sleeping? Coulson: No, I feel great. Just have a little extra energy to burn. May has a small grin. May: If you want, I could lay out the mats downstairs. We could go a few rounds, like the old days? He looks at her and they both smile and give a little chuckle. They hear the beep of an alarm and both look into the Planning Room. Up on the big monitor is a flashing, spinning, red S.H.I.E.L.D. logo. May: Saved by the bell. They both walk away. Cut to inside the Planning Room. The whole team is a**embled there. Coulson has a picture of Chan up on the table monitor and all are looking at him. Coulson: Chan Ho Yin. Just a struggling street performer until a few years ago, when Mr. Chan began to exhibit moderate pyrokinetic abilities. Fitz: So what gave him powers? Coulson: It's still under investigation, but Chan did live near the decommissioned Wan Tai Nuclear Plant when it caught fire. To our knowledge, no other nearby residents have exhibited similar traits. Simmons: So how did we find out about him? May: Informants saw him lighting torches in a street show, with his pinkie. Ward gives a nod, that'll do it. Coulson: Bought it to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attention. We told him to keep his abilities under wraps. He's been on The Index ever since. Skye: The Index? Simmons: It's a list S.H.I..E.L.D. keeps of people and objects with powers. Skye: Wait! What? How many are there? Are you saying there are more people – May is already shaking her head. May: Not many. Skye: Well, enough to keep a list. Coulson: A short list, meant to protect them. Ward: Though in rare cases S.H.I.E..L.D. has had to take action. Skye: Action against objects or people? The looks she gets back tells her what she needs to know. Skye: Well that's drastic with a side of creepy. How are they monitored? Tapped phone lines, satellite surveillance, body probes in dark, unpleasant places? Coulson, May and Ward remain stoic but Simmons grimaces. Fitz: Body probes? The camera pans to Fitz who is shaking his head. Fitz: Now, that's ridiculous. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't do that. He looks at Coulson still shaking his head. Fitz: We don't do that, do we? Coulson is still stone faced. Coulson: The methods vary. Skye gives him an, “are you kidding me” look. Coulson: Mr. Chan was low risk. He was a**igned a case agent who checked in with him every few days. May is clicking bu*tons on a tablet and the feed on the big monitor behind Coulson changes. Coulson: That's how we discovered him missing. May begins to speak in Cantonese. May: Hello Agent Kwan, how are you? We see that it is a feed of the crime scene that May has pulled up on the monitor, she's talking to an agent on the scene. He responds in English. Kwan: Not as good as I could be. May: Everyone, this is Agent Kwan, Chan Ho Yin's case agent. Fitz-Simmons and Skye wave. May: What can you tell us? Kwan: Not much, I'm afraid. Chan is a magician, so at first I thought he'd made himself disappear. The view of the camera now changes, it shows us what Kwan is taking into – a table set inside some sort of ring like holder. Coulson: The file says you'd caught him violating his Index Agreement before. The camera now shows us Kwan in the apartment. Kwan: On two separate occasions. Claimed we were “hampering his artistic expression”. Cut back to inside The Bus. Kwan: But last night, he was taken by professionals. The only thing they left behind was this scrap of aluminized material. He holds up the evidence bag to the camera so they can see. Simmons leans in closer to the monitor looking at it. Simmons: Fireproof clothing. Ward: So, whoever took him knew about his power. Kwan: Yes, and we think we know why. Over the last few days tech division discovered a crack into our data stream. It's the same cyber punks who hacked us before. Skye's eyes go down to the table for a second. Kwan: Somehow, they got in again. It's the Rising Tide. Everyone at the table looks directly at Skye. Kwan: Hello? They continue to stare at her not saying anything. Kwan: It got real quite. We pan over to see Kwan tapping the tablet on his end. Kwan: You guys still there? Commercial Break. We open inside Coulson's office on The Bus. He sits behind the desk with Skye in front and Ward standing off to the side. Skye: The Rising Tide is a huge organization of hacktivists from all around the world. Any of them could have done this. It wasn't me. Ward: No one's saying it was. Skye: But you're thinking it. I can see your faces thinking it. Coulson: We're a**essing the situation. Skye: Then I'm sure you're taking into account that I have been living on a plane with you this whole time. It would be impossible for me to hack S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson: Or easier. We're gonna need more than that. Skye: Fine. Let me trace the hack and I'll prove it. Coulson leans forward on his desk, Ward speaks before he does. Ward: I believe her, sir. And if she's telling the truth, we need to track down the person responsible. Coulson stands up. Coulson: Dig up something, and fast. The longer Mr. Chan's missing the more danger he's in. Cut to someone lying on a bed, obviously it's Chan, we can see a flower dress in a mirror. He begins to stir. Raina: Good morning, Chan. He quickly scrambles away and gets off the bed to his feet. He turns to face her and takes a fighting stance for a moment. Once he gets a look at where he's at his stance relaxes slightly. Chan: What the hell? Raina: I apologize for last night. She walks deeper into the room. Raina: It was important I bring you in under the radar. Chan: Oh, S.H.I.E.L.D. Tell Agent Kwan I don't need to be read the Power Protocols again. It was just a street performance, it's not like I set anyone on fire. Raina: I don't work for S.H.I.E.L.D. I come as a friend. Chan: English isn't my first language, but that word means something different than you think. Raina: I understand your frustration, but I believe you have a gift. And, if you let me, I'd like to help you nurture it. I can increase it. You'll get people's attention then. Chan: Increase my power? Why? What's the catch? Raina: I'd like to run some tests. Chan: There it is. Now, will you let me go, or must I fight my way out? Raina lowers her eyes. Raina: Leave now and I'll forget you, I promise. But, so will everyone else. Chan has gathered his shoes and walks to the door. He turns to look at her as she turns to him. Raina: Stay and you can be remembered, known the world over. Chan: You want to make Chan Ho Yin a famous name? Raina: No. You need a simpler name. A – a more powerful name. A name like…scorch. Chan: Scorch? Are you joking? Raina: Have you ever heard of Steve Rogers? His face remains blank. Raina: No. But Captain America, now, he's on the news, and on lunchboxes, on a poster on the wall. Chan: I don't want to be a superhero. Raina: You want to be recognized, for your gift. And who is more recognizable than them? Chan: I was given this power for a reason. I just want people to see what I can do. Raina: They will. All I want is what you want. For you to be remembered. She moves in closer to him. Raina: To be seen for what you're meant to be…a star. Chan: Scorch. He stands a bit taller and starts nodding his head. Chan: It's growing on me. She gives him a smile and a laugh. Cut to inside the Planning Room on The Bus. Skye is working on a tablet above the table monitor while Fitz watches. He seems completely enamored by what she's doing. Simmons is also there watching and Coulson walks in. Coulson: How close are we? Skye: Almost there. Now we can see the other side of the room and also notice May and Ward are there as well. Fitz: She's identified the remote access Trojan and the infected endpoint. Simmons: Yeah, and is searching for a TCP to correlate the hypertext with signature information and then… Fitz: Bob's your uncle. Simmons: Voila! Coulson looks at Ward. Coulson: You get any of that? Ward: Only the uncle part. Skye: We got our origin – Austin, Texas. Skye pulls it up on the map on the table monitor. Coulson: You got a name? Skye: Just the café our hacker worked out of, but I'm in the system. I'm going to check to see if any credit card charges from that day match up with any known hackers. There is a beeping noise from her tablet. Skye: We got a hit. A picture is brought up on the table monitor. Fitz: Miles Lydon, not Skye, that's to all our relief. Coulson: You know him? Skye: Every hacker in the world knows him. Simmons: Not just the hacker world. He infiltrated the Kremlin. Fitz: Yeah, the picture of, uh, Putin shirtless on horseback, that was his hack. Fitz-Simmons smile and giggle. Ward: It was also his hack that got Chan kidnapped. May has a tablet in her hands punching things in. Coulson: May, set a course for Austin. May: Just did. Skye: What about Chan? Coulson: Kwan's got a S.H.I.E.L.D. team on the ground. Our best bet is to chase this thing from the other end. Find Mr. Lydon, bring him in, see what he knows. They all walk out of the room, with Fitz leaving last after giving Skye a smile. Cut to a city landscape. The runner on the bottom of the screen says: Austin, Texas. We cut to Skye walking on a sidewalk talking in her earpiece. Skye: Just left the café where Miles logged in. Cashier said she hasn't seen him in over a week. Ward response over earpiece. Ward: I may have eyes on him. Cut to Ward, he's standing on a street corner and looks to his right. We can see the man from the photograph, Miles, standing there. Ward turns his head just as Miles turns and sees Ward. Miles stops chewing as he looks at Ward. Ward throws a glance at Miles, who immediately starts to run, Ward hurries to follow. Ward: I've been made. Heading east on 5th street. The area opens up to a parking lot and Ward sees him getting into a car. Ward: Target is now in a sliver Jetta. People have crowded around Ward and he is unable to get close. A black SUV with lights on top and the S.H.I.L.E.D. logos on the doors pulls in. Coulson: I got him. The SUV follows after Miles, we cut inside the SUV and see Coulson at the wheel. Miles tries a couple of different ways to lose Coulson, but he's not successful. Miles: All right, suit. You asked for it. His phone is plugged into some sort of docking station on his car. He hits a bu*ton that says “gridlock.mp4”. There is a beeping noise. Miles: Gridlock protocol. Computer code comes up on his phone running a program. Suddenly all of the lights in town turn to green, in all directions. Cars are hoking as everyone is trying to go at once. Coulson approaches an intersection but is blocked by a big truck that is about to run into a bus. They all stop avoiding collision but also boxing in Coulson. Coulson lets out a sigh, then the SUV is hit from the rear. Coulson: I lost him. Cut to a door closing a someone locking the door. The camera pans up to see Miles looking out the peephole. He hears a woman's voice, Skye's voice, and quickly looks over. Skye: You sure they're not following you? The camera cuts over to show us Skye standing in his apartment, arms cross over her chest looking upset. Miles: Yeah, had to pull out all the stops though. He walks deeper into the apartment. Miles: Thanks for the text. Wait, are you mad? Skye: Are you kidding me? I don't have much time. Who did you leak those files to? Miles: Wait a sec, what? “Good to see you too, Miles”. I released them into the world where they belong. Skye: They'll keep hunting you unless they have someone else to look for. And, why the hell would you hack S.H.I.E.L.D.? Miles: Because that's what we do. Skye: Not when I'm on the inside. You could've ruined everything, you dumba**. Miles: Seems like you handled it. Skye: I've come too far for you to – She trails off when she looks at Miles, he's looking at her with a grin. Skye: Why are you looking at me like that? He walks closer to her still smiling. Miles: Did you just call me a “dumba**”? Skye: Stop smiling. I'm serious. She seems to have a little grin and looks away. Miles: Because I taught you everything you know, so what does that make you? Skye: No, you didn't. Miles: I'm sorry. I can't help it. I've been missing you like crazy. He reaches out and grabs her then pulls her in close and they share a kiss. They start tugging at each other's clothing. He lifts her up and she giggles as they walk off screen. Commercial Break. We open with Skye putting the strap for her bra back up on her shoulders. Miles sits with his back against a headboard watching her. She pulls the small SD card she took from her van in episode 1 out of her bra holding it up. She then tucks it back in her bra. Miles: That's where you keep that, huh? Skye: Better safe than busted. Miles: Making any progress on that? Skye: I'm digging. But, your little stunt is gonna make it harder. She makes a deep sigh and looks around the room. Skye: Where's my top? Miles: You know, I could be helping you. If you send me ciphertext, I could be working on algorithms – Skye is shaking her head. Skye: No, I can't contact you. I never should have. There's a S.H.I.E.L.D. team looking for you right now, my team. And, if they suspect something I'm screwed. He gives her a playful smile and leans up. Miles: There's a joke here that I'm resisting. She laughs and looks away. Miles: That involves the word “screwed”. Skye: Shut up. There's a guy in trouble because of you and I got to get back. So if you want to help me, help me find my clothes. She gets up off the bed and he quickly follows suit grabbing her wrist. Miles: Hey. I'm sorry, Skye. Really, I am, if I messed anything up. I've missed you. Skye: Me, too. But we talked about this when I left for L.A. I've got a chance here. So S.H.I.E.L.D.'s off limits, okay? Miles: Okay. She releases his hands and looks for her clothes. Miles: At least tell me what it's like. Come on, the belly of the beast. Miles bends down to check under the bed for her clothes as she continues to look too. Skye: Surprisingly…unbeastly. I've got good people I'm working with. Miles finds her pants on the floor and throws them to her. Miles: Some good stories though, I hope? She catches them and laughs. Skye: Miles, you have no idea. But, that's cla**ified. She gives him a big grin. Miles: You did not just say that to me. She laughs and he has a big smile. Miles: Come on, you got to tell me something. Skye: Someday. Miles: Well if they ever let you go on leave or whatever, let me know and I'll get us a suite at the…fancy hotel that has suites and you can regale me with stories while naked. Skye: As suite? You? That's funny. But they're never gonna let me go on anything if I don't find my stupid – She opens the door out of the bedroom and finds a very stone faced May standing there. May lifts up Skye's shirt holding it out to her. Skye: Top. May: Get dressed. A guilty looking Skye takes the shirt from May. Cut to Coulson, now inside Miles' apartment, looking at a file. May is watching over Miles in his bedroom while Skye sits on the couch in the living room. Fitz-Simmons are on Miles' computer. May closes the door as Skye look sat Coulson. Skye: I know how this looks – He cuts her off by holding up one finger. She goes quiet and looks down as he finishes reading the folder, closes it and turns to address her. Coulson: How long have you two been in contact? Skye: I contacted him once, the day I joined to tell him I was okay, and once earlier today. Coulson: When you tipped off an active suspect? Skye: No, it's not like that. Miles and I, we met when we were both a little screwed up. Scratch that, he was a little screwed up, I was a lot. But we looked after one another. That's why I warned him, not because we're working together on this, but because we're…friends. Coulson has not made any movement, he stands staring at her with a stone face. Skye: I'm really sorry. Skye's face is filled with apology but Coulson's doesn't soften. Coulson: Noted. If not you, then who is Mr. Lydon working with? Skye: No one. He's an idealist, believes in freedom of information. Coulson: That information cost a man his freedom and you sabotaged our attempts to remedy that. Skye: No, I came here to find out what Miles knows about Chan. Coulson: And? Skye: Nothing. Miles is a dead end. He's harmless. Coulson: We'll see. He starts to turn away from her, she speaks faster with worry. Skye: Really, I was gonna find out everything I could to try to help. Coulson appears to tense and bite his lip, finally showing some emotion. Skye: I just, I felt like I couldn't tell you guys everything. Coulson: I know. That's why I asked May to follow you. She looks down and away from him. Coulson: Seems that wasn't a dead end. Coulson walks away as Skye looks over to Ward. Ward doesn't look at her, he continues to leaf through papers that belong to Miles. We see Fitz has watched what happened over his shoulder and now turns to whisper to Simmons. Fitz: Why would Skye do this to us for him? I thought she was our friend. Simmons shoots a look to Skye then back to Fitz. Simmons: I think she is, Fitz. But he's just obviously more than that. Fitz: Yeah, but we've been through so much together and she didn't even tell us that she has a guy. Simmons: Well, who knows what they've been through together. Fitz gives her a look then goes back to working on the computer. Cut to inside Miles bedroom. He sits on the bed, his wrists in handcuffs, as May questions him. May: The cla**ified information you stole from us who did you give it to? Miles: It's information. It has a life of its own. May: What happened to Mr. Chan? Miles: I don't know who that is, so why don't you tell me. There are loud clatters and gla** breaking coming from outside his bedroom door, his attention is drawn to the commotion. Miles: So, are you guys just going to destroy all my stuff? May: Yes. His bedroom door opens and Coulson enters. Coulson: Anything? May looks at him and shakes her head. Miles: I don't have to talk to you. Coulson shoots him a look then looks at May again. Coulson: Take him in. She grabs him buy his arm pulling him up off the bed and walking him back out into the living room. Coulson: Gather all the evidence and secure the prisoners. We got what we were looking for here. We're going to Hong Kong. Fitz-Simmons begin to gather their gear up. Ward sets down what he was looking at and turns to walk to Skye. Skye: I'm so sorry, Ward. This is not what it looks like. He remains stoic just as Coulson did. Ward: Hands. She lifts both of her hands into the air and Ward puts handcuffs on her wrists. Ward: Now get up. He starts out, Skye gets off the couch giving a deep sigh and follows after. When she pa**es by Simmons, Simmons leans over and talks quietly to her. Simmons: Uh, you missed a bu*ton. She looks down at Skye's shirt embarra**ed and walks out, Skye looks down as well then back up and sighs. Cut to the outside of a building. The runner on the screen says: Hong Kong, China. We cut inside some sort of lab. Chan and Raina stand in the center. Chan: What is this big place, Raina? And who are these guys? Raina: They'll a**ist you with anything you need. He turns away from her and looks at a monitor set up in the lab. Raina: We're here to monitor your vitals while we observe your powers. And it's big because we need the space. He gives her a little grin. She points over to a lab working, he is using a needle to extract some sort of liquid out of a vial. Raina: This serum strengthens the cytoskeleton within each cell of your body. One does, and you'll feel incredible…until it wears off. Chan: And it will wear off? Raina: Yes. But the effects in average subjects have been impressive. In you, I'm excited to see. He looks over to the right, that lab tech who was loading the needle is standing next to Chan now. Chan: What do you think of the name “scorch”? The tech says nothing, just jabs the needle into Chan's arm and injects the serum. Chan gasps and makes a face of pain, then closes his eyes and toughs it out. Raina: Breathe. He exhales slowly and smiles. Raina: Feel it? He nods as his smile grows. Raina: Now, let's see what you can do. He puts his arm out and opens his hand. Once again the little vortex of fire is above his palm, but this time it is bigger, he stares at it in shock for a moment. Chan: Whoa. He looks over at Raina, she gives him a smile and nods her head. He transfers the flame from one hand to another. He pulls his arm back and throws the flame toward a lab tech who ducks out of its way. We can hear a large crash from something in the direction the threw the flame, he chuckles a bit. Chan: Oh, sorry! You almost got scorched. He laughs a bit more as we see Raina has a satisfied smile on her face. Chan: This is incredible. Whoo! He turns and looks at Raina. Chan: You're a beautiful angel, you know that? Raina: Your power is an amazing gift. Chan: And S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn't let me use it. But thanks to you, the whole world can finally see what I can do. From now on, nobody holds me back. He takes a deep breath and makes fire off camera and throws it. Cut to The Bus flying through the air. We cut inside the holding room and see that Skye and Miles are both sitting in there. Miles pulls on his handcuffs finding them secure. Miles: So, I guess due process isn't really S.H.I.E.L.D. protocol. Skye: They don't have time for it. Miles: Whoa, are you defending them? These people are denying our basic rights. Skye: This isn't about us. They're trying to save someone's life. Miles: Listen to yourself. He turns and looks at the camera in the corner. Miles: That's what they always say to justify invading privacy, Skye. These people stand for everything we despise, secrets, censorship – Skye loses her cool and leans forward. Skye: Enough with the manifesto, Miles. Miles: We can't let them get away with it. We cut to outside the room, Ward is watching them on a monitor. Miles: Manning, Snowden, Aaron Swartz, these are modern day revolutionaries. Skye: This has nothing to do with that. You leaked – Ward hits a bu*ton on the table cutting off the feed. We can now see Fitz-Simmons are both in the rooms working on various things. Ward: Guy's hiding behind platitudes. He's dirty. I can feel it. Simmons lets out a sigh. Simmons: Scrubbed clean, actually. Nothing much on him. He's got no family records, his apartment is under an alias and he plays a lot of “Mindcraft” where he runs a rather nasty mob. Fitz has become interested. Fitz: Is it – is it zombie? Simmons: Zombie pigmen. They both share a look that I do not get, but it seems serious. Ward: Keep looking. Cut to Coulson. He's inside his office still watching the fee from the holding cell. May walks in, looks at him, then the screen, then back at him. Coulson: Go ahead, say it. May: I don't do petty. Coulson: But you called it. I trusted my gut even though you said she was a risk. May: When someone breaks into my house I usually don't invite them to stay, but that's me. Coulson: That was me, too. Then that alien staff went through my heart. May: Sure it didn't go through the brain? Coulson: You don't really do comforting either, do you? May: What is your guy telling you now? He looks at the monitor a moment. Coulson: That she's still hiding something. Simmons rushes into the room with a smile. Simmons: Sir, we found some evidence. Cut to the holding cell, Ward enters. Skye looks up at him and sits up straighter when she sees who walked in. Ward closes the door and eyes Miles. Ward: She's been defending you. Saying you're a stand up guy. Ward shows them the envelope he's holding. Ward: So, I'm going to give you a chance. He puts it down in front of Miles. Ward: You want to tell her, or should I? He shoots a look to Skye then up to Ward. Miles: I don't have to listen to you – Ward: There goes your chance. He slides the envelope over to in front of Skye, picks it up and opens it. Ward: Your boyfriend here made a few deposits in the days following the leak. Ward starts setting down banking receipts. Ward: All said, it's about a million dollars. She's looking at the receipts then shoots a glare at Miles. Skye: What? Ward: Real stand up guy. Miles: I can explain – Skye: Did you sell information? He says nothing. Skye: Miles? Yes or no? Still no comment. Skye: Did you?!? Miles: Yes, but – He's cut off when Skye fights against her restraints trying to get at him. Skye: Ohh! You are so dead! What the hell were you thinking? Miles: It was a million dollars! A million dollars. It would change my life, our lives. Ward looks over to watch Skye's reaction. Miles: And that woman was harmless. I looked into it. Skye: No one with good intentions pays that kind of money for information. Did you ever think about that? Miles: Of course I did. I never would have done it if I thought – Ward: Who is the woman you referred to? Miles: A fan of the Rising Tide, some rich girl in a flower dress. She knew all about me, said I had a gift. She thought people like us deserved more. Skye: Oh, you deserve more. Miles: She pointed me to a Chinese .S.H.I.E.L.D. feed, wanted me to crack it. Ward: You thought that was harmless? Miles: I checked the data stream, it didn't seem like anything you and I hadn't already put out there, Skye. And I traced the account where the money came from to make sure it wasn't some evil corporation. It was just an Eco-Research lab. Otherwise, I would never – This gets Ward's attention and he leans in closer. Ward: Ecological research? Ward: Yeah, insects, some study with centipedes. Skye's eyes go directly to Ward as he turns to face her himself. Miles: What's more harmless than that? Cut back to inside the lab where Chan is. He is running on a treadmill as a lab tech takes data. We cut inside another room where Rania is watching Chan through a window. She speaks to someone we can't see yet. Raina: It appears the volatility in the serum has been neutralized. The camera pans to show is the shoulder of the person and long hair, but not their face. They speak with a female voice. Woman: I'm surprised you got him to cooperate. Raina: He has dreams. I told him they'd come true. We can now see that the woman she is speaking to is the same doctor from the pilot episode, the one Mike went to and who was in charge of the program Mike was a part of. Woman Doctor: You gave him a name, didn't you? Raina: Everyone wants to be remembered. The Woman Doctor picks up a tablet with Chan's picture showing and looks at the data. We can also see that Chan's codename is “Scorch.” Woman Doctor: Well, thank God no one's gonna have to actually call him that. Raina: You were right. The platelets in his blood prevent the extremis in the serum from combusting. Woman Doctor smiles. Woman Doctor: That's fantastic. The others will be pleased. Good work, Raina. Rania gives her a smile, Woman Doctor looks back out the window at Chan. Woman Doctor: Now drain him. She walks out leaving Raina alone, Raina has her eyes downcast but looks up at Chan when Woman Doctor leaves. Chan is off of the treadmill and wiping on his face. Raina hits a bu*ton on a counsel in front of her. We see gas blast out of the floor hitting Chan and he immediately collapses. Raina watches and gives a deep sigh. Commercial Break. We open back on The Bus, Coulson walks into the Planning Room with Ward behind him. Fitz-Simmons and May enter from the other doorway and they all meet at the large tabletop monitor. Coulson: It appears Centipede is responsible for Mr. Chan's kidnapping. Ward: First L.A., now Hong Kong. What kind of organization are we dealing with? Coulson: International, well-financed, interested in creating a super solider. Let's hope finding Mr. Chan will provide some answers. Using the account information Mr. Lydon gave us, S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q. believes he's being held here. He points to an area on the map showing on the tabletop monitor. May: Any ideas what Centipede wants with Chan? Fitz: Hard to say, but Simmons thinks that considering he's pyrokinetic – Simmons: There's a good chance his genetics could stabilize the Extremis element of the Centipede serum. Fitz holds his hands together making a ball with them. Fitz: Keep their test subjects from going… Simmons: Boom! Fitz moves his hands apart like an explosion at her word. Coulson: If Mr. Chan is Centipede's lab rat, we need to get there before the experiment's over. They all exit the Planning Room. We cut to inside the lab, Chan is staring at the ceiling strapped to a chair. Chan: This is no test, this is torture. We hear a mechanical whirring sound and he is slowly lifted upright, we can see Raina and the Woman Doctor standing there. Woman Doctor: Thank you for your participation. Our group really owes you one. She walks over to a machine that has many large syringes in it, it looks like she removes one of them. Chan stares at her with anger. Chan: I won't let you. He lights his right hand and begins to scream in pain. He extinguishes the flames and finds his hand burnt to black. Chan: What have you done? Woman Doctor: We don't understand what gave you this ability, but the reason you don't burn is because your blood platelets are fire-resistant. Raina: Which is why we're removing them. The Woman Doctor puts the syringe inside some sort of canister that another lab tech is holding. Woman Doctor: Take those upstairs. The Woman Doctor starts out of the room with Raina following after. Chan: Raina, you said I had a gift. She turns and looks at him. Raina: And you're giving it. She turns and stars out again. Chan: Raina! Raina! Cut to inside the Cargo Hold of The Bus. Ward chambers a round in his gun then holsters it. He is dressed for the mission, Coulson walks up behind him. Coulson: Agent May and I will be handling the field work. You stay and oversee the prisoners. Coulson walks away and Ward gives him a confused look. Ward: Sir? Coulson turns and looks at him. Ward: I was Skye's S.O., it was my responsibility – Coulson: It was my call to bring Skye onto the plane, and you warned me against it. My problem, I fix it. Coulson walks away. We cut to inside the Holding Cell with Skye and Miles. Miles: I'm sorry. I honestly didn't know. Skye: All our talks, did you mean none of it? He gives her a confused look. Skye: I risked everything to help you and it turns out every word out of your mouth since we met is total crap. Miles: That's not true. Skye: Democratization of knowledge, “the truth will set you free”. The truth sure as hell came out. Miles: I believe in all those things. I just don't know why they have to go hand in hand with barely scraping by. Come on, Skye. You lived in your van for the last two years. Skye: Now you're making fun of my van? Miles: I could've funded us for years…us. So you wouldn't have to sacrifice your principles, joining this corrupt institution to find what you're looking for. And what's wrong with me trying to do that? Skye: I'll tell you what's wrong with that, an innocent guy might die – for money! Miles: You know I'd never intentionally hurt anyone. I'm just trying to get my life together. At least you know what you're looking for. Me, I don't have that. For a long time, I thought it was you. I guess I was wrong. Skye nods with tears in her eyes. Skye: I guess so. Cut to Coulson, he is now outside the building housing the lab. May and Kwan are there along with some soldiers. Coulson: Building has five floors. At his words May starts away. Coulson: The first four are research. Fifth is listed as maintenance but uses half the building's energy. Kwan: Either they're guarding the world's largest vacuum… Coulson: Or that's where Chan's being held. Send your “B” and “C” teams in through the tunnels to secure the lower floors. Warn them that the Centipede serum's highly explosive. Kwan: Understood. Where do we go in? The camera has been panning around the men while talking and now we can see May framed between the two of them. She shoots a grappling hook up and then begins to be pulled up as well. Coulson: The roof. Cut to inside the building, May leads the way down a hallway with another solider as Coulson and Kwan follow. May seems to have some sort of indicator in her hands that beeps and whirrs as she moves it around. She turns and the machine beeps louder. May: Here. Heat signature confirmed. Coulson starts down the hallway indicated. He gets to a set of doors and reaches back over his shoulder and May drops a device in his waiting hand. Coulson: I love these things. He presses it against the door and pushes the center of the device, a red glowing light ring appears around the device. It starts to beep rapidly and they all turn their backs to the door after taking a couple of steps away. There's a small explosion and the door opens. May rushes past Coulson and kicks the door open. She grabs the guard standing on the other side of the door and takes him out. She then runs to the next guard and takes him down as well. Coulson and Kwan enter the room and go over to Chan. Chan: Agent Kwan, it's you. Kwan: We're here to get you out. Chan nods his head and Coulson goes to the machinery. Chan is looking past Kwan, we see that he is staring at the vials of the Centipede serum. We see an arm wearing one of the lab technician white hazmat suits hit a red bu*ton, an alarm begins blaring out and the readout on the wall says “LOCKDOWN”. The doors being to close and lock all over the building. Coulson walks over to the lab tech that did the lockdown. The tech grabs some big piece of piping and lifts it to swing at Coulson. Coulson knocks him out before he gets the chance. Coulson speaks into his earpiece. Coulson: Strike team need a security override, STAT. Kwan, can you arrange – He has turned to look at Kwan and finds the agent with a surprised look on his face and smoke coming out of his mouth. The camera pans back to show a big hole in Kwan's chest and Chan standing behind him. Chan has a smirk on his face and we see him take the needle out of his arm after just injecting himself with the Serum. Coulson: Chan, what have you done? Chan: I've set myself free. Chan opens both of his hands and shoots to big flames toward Coulson. Commercial Break. Open on The Bus, we're inside the Holding Cell with Skye and Miles. Ward quickly opens the door and looks at Skye. Ward: Coulson's in trouble. He hurries over to her and undoes her handcuffs. Cut back to inside the lab. Chan is screaming in pain and both of us arms up to his elbows are scorched black. We see Coulson and May hiding behind some shelving units. Coulson: Mr. Chan, I know you're in pain. Chan gives him a crazy smile and points at his burned arms. Chan: This, is nothing. You were the ones k**ing me, forcing me to keep this gift locked up inside. Man speaks in Cantonese to Chan, Coulson shoots her a look. May: Chan, I'm sorry you lived a life you didn't want, but violence will solve nothing. He response in Cantonese as well. Chan: It will keep me from being kept a prisoner. By you, by them, there's no difference. I was given this gift for a reason. To burn bright. May: There's no turning back. Chan: I don't want to go back! May gives a disappointed look to Coulson. Coulson: So, we're good, right? Cut to The Bus. Ward, Skye, Fitz and Simmons are all in the Planning Room looking at the tabletop monitor with worry. Skye is working on the monitor. Simmons: The entire facility's been locked down. We see Miles is also in the room, although he is still in handcuffs. Fitz: Are you sure about this? Ward: No. Miles has been staring at the monitor on the wall and leans over to whisper to Skye. Miles: This is pretty cool. She rolls her eyes and focuses on the wall monitor. Skye: The alarms disconnected the system from all exterior servers. Ward: Can you fix it or not? Skye: Yes, but you've got to get me onsite. Both Ward and Miles make a face. Miles: No way. Ward: Not a chance. The two men share a look over the top of Skye's head. Miles: You're a hacker, Skye, not Seal Team Six. Skye: No. She turns her head and looks at Ward. Skye: But he is. Once again Ward and Miles share a look. Cut back to inside the lab, Chan is still throwing flames at Coulson and May, all the while screaming with the pain he is causing himself. Coulson ducks out from behind the shelves he was behind and gets closer to May when one of the flames gets too close. May: His file say anything about him being homicidal? Coulson: Just said he was kind of a tool. Coulson raises his voice so Chan can hear. Coulson: Mr. Chan, believe it or not, this can still get worse. Chan: You bend someone long enough and they break. Poor little Chan Ho Yin may have believed your lies, but not Scorch. May: Who? Coulson: Oh, crap. They gave him a name. Coulson reaches into his coat and pulls out a gun, it's a “night-night” gun. Coulson: Get me a clean look. I'll make sure he wakes up in a S.H.I.E.L.D. containment facility. May: Waking is optional at this point. They head in separate directions. May does a flip into Chan's vision as she makes a loud noise getting his attention. He prepared to throw fire on her but sees Coulson behind himself. He erects a wall of fire behind his back as a shield from Coulson's shot. The bullets incinerate on impact. Coulson: I'm out. Chan drops the flame shield and turns toward Coulson who has begun to run. Chan: Nothing can stop me! May speaks into hear earpiece. May: Where are we on the doors? Cut to Ward inside the building, he's in a hallway taking out a guard as another guard comes at him. Skye is next to him trying to stay out of his way while he is fighting. Ward: Almost there. A guard comes up behind Ward and grabs Skye, Ward elbows the guards face. Ward holds out his hand to Skye, she takes it and they run off together. Cut to Woman Doctor walking in yet another hallway, she is speaking on her cell phone. Woman Doctor: S.H.I.E.L.D. has infiltrated the building. No, it's under control. Raina, pushing something along on a dolly, walks up behind Woman Doctor as she hangs up her phone. Raina: Didn't want to tell them? Raina stops. Raina: Chan's true nature has revealed itself. Woman Doctor: Without his platelets, the serum will combust. Raina: Wouldn't be the first one to blow up on you. Raina starts walking again. Raina: I'm beginning to think you're bad luck. Cut to Skye entering some sort of computer area of the building, there are flashing lights and wires all around as she sits behind a computer terminal. She starts rapidly typing as Ward stands behind her watching what she's doing. Ward: How long is this gonna take? Skye: Done. Skye gets out of the chair and starts off as Ward shoots an impressed look to her back. We can hear Coulson's voice over the radio. Coulson: Doors are unlocked. We cut back to Coulson in the lab. Coulson: Where's Chan? May runs to meet up with Coulson. May: He's gone. Coulson: Damn it! Coulson holsters his gun. May: That tranquilizer was his last chance. You know that. Coulson: I know. It's time to minimize the damage. Instead of exiting the lab Coulson has walked deeper into it. He stops at the case holding the serum and looks down at the vials. Coulson: Simmons! Are the building's computers back online? Cut to inside the Planning Room on The Bus. The little areas of red squares showing lockdown all switch over to green. Simmons: Yes. Cut to Coulson. Coulson: Uncuff Miles. Cut back to The Bus, Fitz looks over to Miles. Coulson: We're gonna need his help. Miles gives them a smirk and holds up both of his hands showing them his cuffs. Fitz and Simmons share a look. Cut back to the building and Woman Doctor walking down a hallway. We see Raina in front of her getting onto an elevator with whatever she was pushing as Woman Doctor follows after. We see the back of someone appear in the hallway. Chan: You! When the Woman Doctor turns we can also see Chan's badly burnt face and body. Rania hits a bu*ton on the elevator, we can hear it ding, as Woman Doctor runs to get in. Raina: I wish you all the best. The doors to the elevator close just as Woman Doctor reaches them, trapping her with Chan. She turns around and faces Chan panting with fright. Woman Doctor: Please, look, we can fix you… Chan is slowly walking toward her with murder in his eyes. Woman Doctor: Make you stronger, take the name scorch and make it mean something. Chan gets down to one need. Chan: It already does. He lights his hands on fire, makes them into fists and punches the floor sending fire toward her. She turns away from the flames as they circle her then engulf her. She screams in pain as she is burned alive. Her body turns to ash and breaks apart. Chan is panting with pain and anger as he stands and looks at his hands. Coulson appears at the opposite end of the hallway behind Chan. Coulson: Mr. Chan, we don't want to hurt you. Chan turns and faces Coulson. Coulson: But we have to. May comes up behind Chan and shoves two large needles into his back. She depresses them both and he falls to the floor. Coulson: We got to move. They leave Chan kneeling on the floor of the hallway and run off. Chan begins to shake as fire starts to break open his skin. There is a loud whirring sound as he shakes more. Cut to the Planning Room on The Bus, Miles is now standing at the tabletop monitor working on it. Simmons: You need to drive the blast into the main ventilation shaft. Fitz: Yeah, and on up to the roof. Cut to inside the building. Doors are shutting and vents are opening. Cut back to The Bus, Miles continues to shut doors and open vents. Cut to the building as more doors close as do some vents. Cut back to Chan, the whirring noise is getting louder and he is glowing brighter. Cut back to The Bus, Miles continues to work. Arrows come up on the monitor on the wall showing how the blast will flow through the building. Cut back to Chan, his eyes are now glowing brightly as the glow travels up his neck and breaks apart his skin. Cut to a door, Coulson, May, Ward and Skye all hurry out of the building. They cross the street and look up as two flaming jets erupt above the building. They all take a sharp breath at the sight. Ward: Skye managed to extract some files from the building's mainframe. Skye looks over to Ward. Ward: It's not much but it could get us a fix on Centipede. Coulson: Maybe. Ward looks from the top of the building to Coulson. Ward: You can't save someone from themselves, sir. Coulson: You can if you get to them early enough. Coulson looks down from the building to Ward and then over to Skye. Skye can only look at him a moment before she has to look down and away, ashamed. Cut to The Bus parked at some airport. We cut inside The Bus and see Coulson walking to Miles holding a small box, he pa**es an unhappy looking Skye on his way to Miles. He holds the box up to Miles as he speaks. Coulson: You've got two choices: take what's in this box or we put you in a slightly bigger one. Miles smirks a little bit and looks down at the box. Miles: You want to give me a hint? Coulson's face reads nothing, as Miles' smirk drops. Miles takes the box out of Coulson's hands and opens it. Inside the box is a round metal ring, a bracelet. Miles: What's it do? Coulson takes the bracelet out. Coulson: Whatever we tell it to do. He opens the bracelet and puts it around Miles' right wrist. When he clicks it closed a blue light circles the bracelet. Coulson: I'd try to avoid any unlawful activity and I think you'll find it hard to use electronic devices for a while. Miles looks from the bracelet to Coulson, Coulson takes the box and we hear it snap closed. Coulson: You can go now. Miles points a thumb over his shoulder. Miles: Cool, but we're still in Hong Kong. For the first time Coulson's face breaks, he smiles and laughs a bit. Coulson: Yep. Miles: I live in Austin, Texas. Coulson: I know. Oh, and Agent Kwan's family thanks you for the anonymous donation. Coulson lets that sink in a beat then walks away. He speaks to Skye as he pa**es her on his way up the stairs. Coulson: My office. Once he leaves Skye walks over to Miles, she gives him a sad little smile. He looks up to the steps where Coulson walked up then looks down at Skye. Miles: So, you plan to stay? Skye nods her head. Skye: If they let me. Miles: You've changed. Skye: Good. Miles: I mean, you're not who you used to be. Skye: And you're not who I thought you were. Skye walks away from him. Miles: I hope you find what you're looking for. Skye pauses on her way up the stairs for a moment then continues on. Miles turns and starts down the ramp in the cargo hold. Cut to the bar on the plan, alcohol is being poured into a gla**. We pan over to see May is pouring a drink for Ward. Ward: Make it a double. May: Is there any other kind? Skye walks up behind them. They are both about to take a drink but pause when Skye speaks. Skye: So I'm going to Coulson's office now. I figured you might want to be there, being my S.O. and all. Ward shakes his head not looking at her. Ward: I'm off the clock. Skye lowers her eyes disappointed. Skye: Right. Okay, then. She looks at Ward one more time and sees him nod his head then walks away. We cut to Coulson standing in his office with his back to the door when Skye knocks. Skye enters without an answer from Coulson. She sits down on one of the chairs in front of his desk looking sad and scared. Skye: I didn't want anything to – Coulson: Stop lying. He turns and faces her then walks toward her. Coulson: Since the moment you stepped foot on this plane, you've been lying to my face, to all of us. Skye: No, I haven't – Coulson: You're lying now. I stood up for you to my team down there. And some of us started to believe in you, risked our lives for you. Skye: I… Coulson: Why are you here?!? You've been keeping something from us, this whole time. And it wasn't just a boyfriend. You have a secret, Skye, and one chance to come out with it. That's now, or I'm done with you. Skye looks down and away from Coulson staring into space thinking, then she closes her eyes. She reaches into her bra and pulls out the SD card she took from her van in the first episode, the same one Miles saw at the start of this episode. She sets the chip on Coulson's desk. Coulson: What is this? Skye: It's everything I have. Coulson: On us? Skye looks up at him with tears in her eyes. Skye: On me. She takes a deep breath as Coulson takes the SD card. Skye: That's why I learned to crack systems, why I joined the Rising Tide… Coulson feeds the card into a reader attached to his computer and we hear a beep. Skye: To find any details I could about my parents. The monitor on Coulson's office wall beings to show all the different pieces of information. We see various pictures, no faces, receipts, and a letter to St. Agnes Orphanage. Most of that letter is blacked out. There is also a large red SHIELD stamp in the upper right hand corner that says “Cla**ified; redacted 04-23-89” Here is what we can read: “Medical examination results regarding female infant {Blacked out} dropped off at St. Agnes Orphanage on {Blacked out}. The infant was found to have {blacked out} expressing minimal {blacked out}. No {blacked out} Notes filed by the resident pediatrician indicate {blacked out} Blood pressure: Normal Nutrition: Normal. Indication of Hearth Disease: None. Heart Rate: Normal. Checked for injuries or indications of {blacked out} no malnutrition. To see the records regarding the situations discussed in this document, please contact {blacked out} Skye: There's nothing. No records. There's no trace of them. My lifelong search has led to a single document, redacted. While she speaks her eyes fill with tears and her voice breaks and becomes thicker. Coulson: By S.H.I.E.L.D. Skye: No matter what you do, I'll never stop looking. Coulson: You might not like what you find. Skye: I can't be worse than what I've imagined. It looks like Coulson has softened toward Skye, he takes a couple of steps closer to her. Coulson: Maybe I can help. Skye takes a shaky breath and looks away for a second then back to him. He reaches over to his desk and grabs a box identical to the one he gave to Miles. He holds it out in front of Skye, she closes her eyes then takes the box from him. As he walks out of his office Skye opens the box, takes the bracelet out and clasps it on her wrist turning it on. S.H.I.E.L.D. Emblem. We cut to red flowers in a black background. The camera pans up to Raina's shoulder and hair, we can see a man beyond her shoulder. There is a layer of gla** between her and him and we see him pick up a phone receiver. We are obviously in a jail. Prisoner: Well, you know I'm not going to do the talking. Raina: The doctor is dead. The Prisoner looks up at Raina. Prisoner: About time. Raina: Well, she did find a solution to our…combustion problem. We believe we'll soon have stable subjects. On to stage two. Prisoner: That mean my situation's is going to improve any? Raina: Well, other problems have surfaced, resurfaced I should say. The S.H.I.E.L.D. unit in Hong Kong, we've encountered them before. They…took our subject off the map in Los Angeles. Prisoner: Not much I can do about that in here. So that's not why I'm getting the visit. Raina: We would like you to touch base with the Clairvoyant. His eyes have remained downcast most of this conversation, now they turn up to look at her. Raina: See if any insights can be given, on stage three. Prisoner: The Clairvoyant doesn't like to be touched. Raina: We all have to do things that make us uncomfortable if we are ever to get our toy soldiers off the shelf. He continues to stare at her and she gives him a sly smile. Raina: You know that better than any of us. He once again looks down as she stands. Prisoner: I like your dress. She waits a beat then speaks. Raina: I know. She hangs up the phone and walks away and he slowly hangs up his receiver as well.