Brazil National Football Team - Comments on Demonstrations in Brazil lyrics


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Brazil National Football Team - Comments on Demonstrations in Brazil lyrics

"Today, I have a privileged social position, but I don't forget that I come from a poor background... After seeing the people on the streets claiming for improvements, it makes me feel like joining them. They are doing the right thing, what they are saying makes sense and we have to hear them. Brazil needs to improve, we all know that." - HULK "The people have the right to express their opinions and to protest when they are not happy with what is happening in their country. That's the only way to call attention to what is wrong. I don't live in Brazil but I love my country. The Brazilians love their country and that's why these protests are happening. The only thing we won't support is violence. I'm in favour of the right to express your opinion, but only if it's done peacefully." - DAVID LUIZ "Our job is to give fans motivation to celebrate by doing well on the field, it's all we can do." - PHIL SCOLARI "I'm in favour of the protests as long as they are peaceful, I'm very proud to see the people fighting to improve public transportation, health services and so many other things." - FRED "I have followed here in the United States manifestations of the people, and I think that football has to participate in all this. I think it would be a great opportunity for team players show that they are believing in change of our country, supporting a peaceful protest and not forgetting all the suffering and difficulties that came to get where they are. One suggestion would be this game tomorrow against Mexico, all sing the anthem with his back to the flag and to show that they understand that football is not more important than the Brazilian people. It would be a gesture of solidarity in a time of hope for a real change. This does not in any way take away the focus of the game, nor nfluence the performance of the team." - JUNINHO "It's sad that it got to a point where we need to go to the streets to demand for better conditions, the only way I can represent and defend the country is by playing football, and from now on I'll walk on the field inspired by this movement.” - NEYMAR