I was the future, in nineteen-ninety-five, I watched the flashbulbs burst, Whenever I'd arrive. I'd tape my knuckles up, cinched and tight for the ring, just beneath the gloves, clenching white for the swing. I was a sellout, before a sellout crowd, I threw the fight in my head, before the fat lady bowed. You want a tip-off, some good advice for the brawl? Just wear a mouth-guard, to keep your teeth when you fall. And when you quit, make sure that you can wash your hands of it. chorus Armed to the teeth, score one for treachery, I am a mercenary. There's more lies here, than we can all bury I am a mercenary. I've seen the headlines, swarming thick with flies. I've seen the Billboard Charts I've heard them spitting lies. Here's to your lame award, your phony Nobel Prize. Here's to the s**ers lining up to see us compromise. Let's light a campfire, We'll have a sing along, I'll burn some bridges, you'll bring the crappy songs. And when you quit, make sure that you can wash your hands of it. bridge There's a part of me I've compromised, buried somewhere under ghosts of lies. Make it quick, make it sick, turn the crank and just play the greatest hits... sigh. There's a part of me that I despise, pull the curtain back and see what dies. Emerald spires of the near profound, let's burn this lousy city down.